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Conquering the Fear of Goal-setting

Here are steps to overcome resistance and simplify the process

(Author's note: One of the staples of my mastermind groups is goal setting. We set both professional and personal goals and then share them as well as enter them into a spreadsheet. Every six to eight weeks, we review our goals and report on our progress. Despite the structure and stated expectations, some group members struggle to follow through. They don't seem to see the value in the exercise or simply don’t know where or how to start. Recently, I started a meeting early to allow members who had not yet set their goals to do so with my support, and it made a huge difference.)

Setting goals is often hailed as the cornerstone of success; yet many people are reluctant or even afraid to commit their aspirations to paper. This hesitation can stem from various psychological barriers and misconceptions.

Understanding these fears and the importance of goal setting can empower individuals to take that crucial step toward achieving their dreams. Here, we’ll explore why people fear setting goals, why it’s essential to overcome these fears and practical strategies to simplify the process.

Please select this link to read the complete article from SmartBrief.

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