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How to Stop Job Candidates from Ghosting after They Accept the Offer

In 2023, 43 percent of employers said a candidate had ghosted them

HR Question: It's a tough market right now! It feels like every time we find the right candidate and extend an offer, candidates will accept the offer but then ghost or decline before their first day. What can I do differently to ensure my candidates stop ghosting after accepting an offer?

HR Answer: So, your offer was accepted and a start date for your new hire has been established – congratulations! Unfortunately, the phenomenon of candidates ghosting or changing their minds before a start date has become even more frequent in today's market. Despite accepting an offer of employment, candidates are still entertaining counteroffers and continue to interview even though they may have signed an offer letter and completed a background check and drug screen. "Yes" no longer means "accepted" until a new hire shows up on the first day.

In 2023, Indeed's Ghosting in Hiring Report found that 43 percent of employers have had a candidate ghost them, up 3 percent from the prior year's survey. So, how are hiring managers and recruiters supposed to reduce the chance of a candidate ghosting after accepting an offer?

Please select this link to read the complete article from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

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