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Starting an AI Strategy

Here's how to establish one

Sometimes, it seems to be in the nature of CEOs to catastrophize: A PwC survey released last month found that a growing percentage of CEOs fear their organizations won’t survive the next decade, thanks in part to concerns about generative AI. Forty-five percent of CEOs expressed that worry in the new survey, compared to 38 percent the year before.

The caveat in the survey is that the leaders say they worry about their organization's viability "without reinvention"—so let us take a look at what reinvention might look like.

Writing at Inc., tech executive Soren Kaplan points out that digital transformation is in many ways no different than any other change process, something associations have been used to since the pandemic. “The best transformations, whether digital or not, focus on quick wins and early adopters to build momentum,” he wrote. “While a bigger-picture strategy can be helpful, just getting started is what’s most important.”

Please select this link to read the complete article from Associations Now.

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