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How to Handle Bed Bugs at Work

Bed bugs are an anxiety-producing, uncomfortable topic

HR Question: An employee has indicated that they have bed bugs in their apartment building. How should we handle bed bugs at work? What responsibility do we have as an employer towards our other employees?

HR Answer: Bed bugs are an anxiety-producing and uncomfortable topic to discuss, but it’s important that employers take action when they learn of potential exposure, especially in the workplace. We recommend the following steps to address the situation:

Step 1: Communicate

The first step is to communicate with your employees the measures that they can take to prevent exposure, or if exposure has occurred, minimize the risk that the bed bugs will be transported to work. Under the OSHA General Duty Clause, an employer has an obligation to provide a safe work environment free of hazards that may cause physical harm. If it is determined that there are bed bugs in your workplace, you should take immediate action to eradicate any infestation (typically by calling an exterminator). There may also be obligations of notification and recordkeeping if hazardous chemicals are used to rectify the situation. Additionally, you should reduce clutter to make the bed bugs easier to locate.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

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