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Republican Party Outlines 2024 Policy Platform

The platform aligns with former President Donald Trump's campaign remarks

Recently, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released a 2024 policy platform that adheres to former President Donald Trump’s agenda should he win re-election this fall.

The 16-page document, which was passed behind closed doors ahead of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next week, has limited specifics on key issues but lays out 20 “promises” that mirror the Trump campaign’s positions on immigration, the economy, energy, taxes and crime. The document also adopts Trump’s stance on abortion, opposing a federal ban and handing over decisions on limits to the states.

The document echoes Trump’s promise to not make cuts to Social Security or Medicare and to make the 2017 Trump-era tax cuts permanent, among other priorities. It does not distinguish how the tax cuts would be implemented in a way that would not increase the nation's growing debt.

This article was provided to OSAP by ASAE's Power of Associations and Inroads.

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