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Dolphin Mass Stranding on Cape Cod Found to be the Largest in U.S. History

A total of 146 dolphins were involved in the stranding

Rescuers who helped free more than a hundred dolphins from the Cape Cod shoreline say they’ve confirmed that the mass stranding that began June 28 was the largest involving dolphins in U.S. history.

There were two prior events on record in Hawaii and the Florida Keys where dolphin species were observed circling in shallow water, but the Cape Cod event marks the highest number of dolphins beached in a single stranding event, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, which helped lead the rescue.

A final review of data and aerial imagery this week revealed that a total of 146 dolphins were involved in the stranding, according to IFAW communications director Stacey Hedman.

Please select this link to read the complete article from The Associated Press.

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