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Five Habits for CEOs Who Want to Become Better Active Learners

Any of us can become better, more active learners at any career point

It's easy to interpret Peter Drucker’s famous advice about learning—“the most pressing task is teaching people how to learn”—through the lens of a leader. Help your people become better learners and your team will be nimble and ready for change. It's a common trap for top-level leaders: We forget to view advice through the lens of a high performer who needs to personally keep growing and improving.

Any of us can become better, more active learners at any point in our careers or life. For CEOs it might be one of the most important opportunities to grow, improve our leadership, and strengthen our relationships and organizations—because we're surrounded by amazing opportunities, environments, expertise, challenges and, generally, people who know more than us about most things.

How can you make sure you’re avoiding the trap and focusing daily on being open to new, innovative ideas, perspectives and ways of thinking? These five habits can give you a strong foundation.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Chief Executive.

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