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Three Crucial Tips for Hiring and Firing Staff

These decisions can significantly impact your company’s culture, success

Balancing empathy and rationale as a founder during hiring and firing decisions is a critical skill, especially when scaling up a startup. When building your team, it’s important to quickly identify whether team members will be the right fit in the long term.

Startup founders often hear the mantra "hire slow, fire fast," but in reality this can be challenging to put into practice. When running a startup, the pressure to meet milestones on a tight schedule makes the prospect of hiring slowly scary, as it can feel like it will take too long to find the right job candidates. Similarly, firing quickly can be just as difficult.

There are situations where an employee might be a great cultural fit but a poor performer, and other times when an employee is high performing but a terrible cultural fit. Both types of employees can be very hard to let go, but for different reasons.

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