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Safeguarding the Future with an Eye on Security and Data Protection
Stay ahead of the curve on online security
ICCA CEO Senthil Gopinath reflects on the critical importance of safeguarding the future through robust security measures and data protection. With a focus on emerging technologies like AI and blockchain, he explores how ICCA is leading the charge in creating a safer, more secure digital environment for its members and the meetings industry.
The close of the year is always a good time to reflect on the progress we have made and think about the goals and ambitions we hold for the future. It's a time to make resolutions and to take stock of al that came before, an inventory of the previous twelve months and an audit of our successes, our shortcomings, and our constructive observation about what we can and will do better in the future.
Progress can take many forms, and while it's not always linear, at ICCA, we like to think that we are progressing toward a future that includes a more equitable and accessible environment for all. That said, progress does come with a cost, and there are those who would seek to cause harm via the tools and technologies that bring about that progress. As the world continues to evolve and become ever more interconnected, the issues of cybersecurity and privacy will become increasingly concerning to users of the internet – which includes just about everyone. With much of our lives lived online, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the perils that come with existing on the internet, whether we’re shopping online or making complex financial transactions.
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