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Five Trends That Will Shape HR in 2025

This year, HR will have the chance to shape its long-term future

The countdown is over, the fireworks have faded and we are now officially halfway through the 2020s. That may seem a difficult fact for HR professionals to grasp given how the decade began amid the disruption caused by COVID-19.

Entering 2024, members of the profession were well-accustomed to change; however, while 2025 likely has myriad changes in store, the new year also presents HR departments with an opportunity to home in on something that may have eluded them these last few years — namely, the chance to shape their roles for the long term.

"Most companies we talk to feel like they’re on the other side of putting out the fires of the day," said Brad Bell, professor in strategic human resources at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations. "That is allowing companies to lay out a long-range plan about what they want HR to look like in their organizations."

Please select this link to read the complete article from HR Dive.

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