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How to Simplify Your Work Life

First tip: Identify the 'value-added' work you do

HR Question: I often feel in a state of overwhelm at work. It’s frustrating to not be as effective and productive as I’d like to be. Can you recommend a good approach to simplify my work life?

HR Answer: Simplify your work life. Sounds like a good idea, but when you’re in the weeds, it can feel insurmountable. It doesn’t have to be “easier said than done.” As with other self-improvement goals, you’re most likely to succeed with a solid plan. This requires that you rethink the what, how, and why – what am I doing, how am I doing it, and why am I doing it? Chances are, there are probably things you can eliminate, automate, alter, or delegate. Here are some steps you can take to develop a viable, practical plan for improving your work life.

Step One: Identify your value-added work

Take time to step back and look at the work you do and how it is done. Break down your tasks and ask yourself, “For whom does this add value?” Regardless if it is a service or product for an external customer or for someone within your company who relies upon your service or product, would your “customer” be willing to pay for every bit of work that you do? Most likely, there are some things that you do that are deemed valuable by your internal or external customers. This is called “value-added” work.

Please select this link to read the complete article from OSAP member Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

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