Complete Story


How your congregation can boldly step forward in this time of constant change

Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and always and for that we should all give praise. It is only because of Jesus’ eternal ‘sameness’ that we can boldly step forward with the work we are called to do in His name during this time of constant change. The work of the Church continues--whether it be worship, outreach ministry, the calling of a new pastor or deacon, or the approval of a budget. Installation Services are important to the work of the Church because these ceremonies affirm the new rostered minister and welcome them to the congregation’s community of believers. Since March, the SOS staff has participated in six Installation Services in our congregations, with several still pending. Some Installations have been in person, while others, like the Installation Service held recently for Deacon Diane Schwiger-Alexander, have been virtual. We asked Deacon Schwiger-Alexander about her experience with and reasoning regarding her virtual Installation Service.

Why did you choose to be installed as Deacon at Christ, Bexley in a virtual service rather than the traditional in person service?

The Installation Service was originally scheduled to be in-person. It was scheduled around my need to quarantine for 2 weeks so I could visit our granddaughter in South Carolina and then again quarantine for 2 weeks after returning from South Carolina. Christ Bexley had not been worshipping in-person due to HVAC issues and only began in-person worship in early November, so this service was going to be a special way to welcome people back together. However, the new stay-at-home advisory in Franklin County changed our plans, and our in-person worship was canceled. 

Dsa Virtual Installation Pic  

How did the virtual installation compare to your past Installation Services?

The virtual installation was very different from my past experiences with traditional services. There was no congregation present, no hands to shake, or welcoming hugs. There were only four of us on the Zoom call (pictured). As our president of the congregation pointed out, there was also no luncheon or welcoming reception. I did dress-up for the service, trading my black leggings for a dress even though no one would ever really see what I was wearing. 


What did you do with the installation service recording when finished? How was it shared with the congregation?

I was in charge of recording the service, which added another layer of pressure to the already unusual situation. I actually lost my internet connection as we were beginning the prayers. I was texting the others to let them know what was happening and asking them to wait a few minutes. It took a few minutes to reconnect, and then we began the service again, from the beginning. Everything worked the second time, and the recording saved properly, another answered prayer. Then it was inserted into our pre-recorded Sunday worship, which was released on Facebook and our church website at 9:30 on Sunday morning.


Would you recommend others participate in virtual Installation Services during this time or wait until summer or fall? Why?

I would recommend that others do their Installation Services as soon as possible, in whatever way fits their situation. The Installation Service is to signify the beginning of a mutual relationship between the congregation and the rostered minister for ministry. No matter how the Installation Service is conducted, it is important to recognize this beginning and not wait until a more "convenient" time, or until it can be done in the way we've always done it. We live in a time that is providing us opportunities to begin new traditions in the church and show the world that we are not closed, even if our buildings are closed. It does not matter if we are meeting in-person or on Zoom or watching recorded worship together on Facebook. God's work goes on, and we are needed now more than ever before to carry on with God's ministry. The Installation Service, even done virtually, is the signal to our congregations, to our communities, and the world that God is still working in and through all of us. 


Perhaps your congregation has a pending Installation Service that you’re putting off until things are back to normal or you just don’t know how to move forward with the Installation Service or maybe a congregation meeting or other celebration or ceremony. Take your cue from Deacon Schwiger-Alexander and many others across the ELCA who have boldly stepped forward and held their events online. It may be different, but the meaning is still the same and may afford some people the opportunity to be in attendance who would not be able to participate otherwise.

The SOS staff have gathered multiple resources for you to step forward with your virtual events, and are available to help with governance issues or other questions you might have about the how-to’s of online church.

Governance Resources

Worship & Study Resources

(Scroll to the bottom of the page)

Conference & Web Services


Contact Pr. Bob Abrams with Governance or Installation Service questions at


Check out the above links and look for more resources coming in the new year from the SOS Outside the Box Team.



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