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Assembly resolutions and memorials due April 16

The 2021 Southern Ohio Synod Assembly is scheduled for June 4-5, 2021. It is a virtual assembly, which means we will be together, but not physically together as we have in the past.

We have one resolution (click HERE to read it on our Assembly website) from the Synod Council to be considered by the 2021 Assembly. At this time, we welcome additional resolutions and memorials from the synod to be reviewed by the Reference and Counsel Committee and passed along to either the Assembly or Synod Council, whichever is best suited for the resolution/memorial proposed.

The deadline for submitting a resolution or memorial is Friday, April 16, 2021. All resolutions/memorials must be submitted in a digital format to Susan Barton-Nonno, Assembly Director, at by the deadline. No resolutions will be accepted after that date, and no resolutions will be considered from the floor of the assembly. Please make sure to submit your resolution/memorial by April 16 so your document may be properly reviewed and considered.

Below is a helpful document from the ELCA Churchwide Office explaining the difference between a resolution and a memorial and how to properly construct both so the proposals meet the requirements for consideration.

ELCA Guidelines for Memorials and Resolutions 2021

Here’s a bit of helpful information to get you started:

--Memorials address broad policy issues and are passed by synod assemblies for consideration by the Churchwide Assembly. Only a Synod Assembly may address a memorial to the Churchwide Assembly. Synod councils are not authorized to adopt memorials.

--Resolutions are requests from synods to the Church Council or units or offices of the churchwide organization. Either synod assemblies or synod councils may originate resolutions.

Of course, resolutions may also be directed to the Synod Council regarding issues that impact our synod only.

If you have questions about resolutions or memorials, please contact Pr. Bob Abrams, synod staff liaison to the Reference and Counsel Committee, at



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