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Grow Boating Update

A Message from Joe Lewis, Grow Boating Chairman

Hopefully by now you've heard that the 2014 Grow Boating marketing campaign is in full swing. Our message is one of value. We're not out to convince people boating is inexpensive. Instead we'd like to show boating may not be out of reach and most importantly that it's worth it. To illustrate this we've produced three short documentaries of real boaters telling their personal story about how they Discovered Boating. And they're great stories! Each boater talks about what boating means to them, their family and friends, and how it's enriched their lives. If you haven't watched yet, here's a link on Take a few moments (each documentary is just 2-3 minutes).

Read Full Article Here

YBAA is an active supporter of Grow Boating, Discover Boating and other industry initiatives designed to nurture the boating lifestyle and to support the role and value of yacht sales professionals

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