YBAA and CPYB present a varied series of teleconference e-Seminars throughout the year, many FREE, providing valuable education and insights for participating Yacht Sales Professionals. e-Seminars facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience to help identify potential pitfalls and the possible solutions for the multitude of challenges that a broker or brokerage owner and/or manager faces daily. Specific e-Seminars are available for brokerage principals, CPYB brokers, brokers and other industry leaders.

Participation at each e-Seminar provides 1 CPYB Recertification Credit.

Upcoming e-Seminars will be listed below, on the event calendar on the right and will be promoted in the monthly Yacht Broker e-Newsletter.

Do you have suggestions for future topics or presenters? Contact JP Skov,YBAA Executive Director. 

None at this time.

CPYB Webinar: Why Use a Yacht Broker?‎ Hosted by YBAA

Webinar Date: February 26, 2025

We’ve all heard the question, “Why should I use a broker to sell my boat?” This session will break ‎down the sales process to use to answer this question, including advantages a broker can deliver ‎for listing, qualifying, selling, and closing a deal.‎

Brokers Brunch: ‎What to Manage in Every Deal

Brunch Date: January 13, 2025

This webinar will review the common documents for listings and purchase agreements. We will ‎review forms from the various yacht broker associations and discuss best practices to protect ‎buyers, sellers and brokers. Reading and understanding all of the details in a document you ‎want your client to sign is an important responsibility of every broker. What do different ‎brokers do to keep the paperwork moving forward with each transaction?‎

Brokers Brunch: ‎Surveyor Selection, Survey Reports and How to Handle Findings

Webinar Date: September 19, 2024

As brokers we need to be careful with our involvement when assisting our buyers selecting a suitable surveyor. What can we do, what can’t we do? Attending the survey is the best way to understand what is discovered. The buyer-owned survey report should be reviewed to discuss normal wear and tear vs. problem items. What is the best way to handle findings to keep your deal on track? The survey is the turning point for every transaction and your involvement and advice to your buyer can make a big difference.