Daniel Drake Humanitarian Award

Established in 1986 by the Academy Foundation, the Daniel Drake Humanitarian Award provides recognition to living physician members of the Academy of Medicine who have given generously of themselves to their patients and the community in which they live. Nominees must have demonstrated a history of keen awareness and selfless dedication to the needs of others.

How to nominate

Letters of nomination, along with humanitarian information about the physician being nominated, should be submitted to the Academy Foundation. Contact Nancy Coomer at the Academy of Medicine, 513-421-7010  or by email with nominations, questions, or requests for additional information.

The award is presented at the Academy of Medicine’s Annual Meeting held in the fall of each year.

For the 2024 Award

The Foundation Board will choose the recipient and the award will be presented during the Academy Annual Meeting and Awards Celebration in the Spring of 2025. Nominations are due by September 1, 2024.

Previous Daniel Drake Humanitarian Award Recipients

2023 - Peter G. Ruehlman, MD
2022 - John M. Tew, MD
2021 - C. Keith Melvin, MD
2020 - David Barron, MD
2017 - Steve Kleeman, MD
2016 - Carol Egner, MD
2015 - David Wiltse, MD & Creighton Wright, MD
2014 - Marc Alexander, MD & S. Nemat Moussavian, MD
2013 - Molly Katz, MD
2012 - Donald Nofziger, MD
2008 - William Gates, MD
2006 - Lawrence Kurtzman, MD
2002 - Walter Bowers II, MD
2001 - William Gerhardt, MD