The strength of an association rests with the volunteers who donate their time and expertise to help lead. NAHAD has multiple opportunities for members to get involved, whether you are interested in joining a committee or task force or volunteering to serve on the board of directors.

Volunteer on a Committee

During NAHAD’s Annual Convention last month, leadership unveiled a completely redesigned committee structure for NAHAD. The goal in doing so was to accomplish four key elements: create value, engage membership, offer opportunities for future leadership, and address industry needs. As a result, we are pleased to report that five new committees have been formed: Hose Safety Institute, Education, Membership, Industry Insights, and Technology – all designed to accomplish these key objectives and move the association forward.

Why does this matter to you? Because NOW is the time for you to get involved. Do you have a passion for technology and automation? Then brings your talents to the Technology Committee. Do you believe strongly in advocating for industry best assembly practices? Then the Hose Safety Institute Committee is your home. Regardless of your interests or level of expertise in the industry, NAHAD has a committee for you.

Please take a moment to learn about each committee’s new vision and objectives. Then complete the form below, selecting which committee you feel best suits you. Later this summer, you’ll be contacted regarding the next steps.

Prepare to truly make a difference as a NAHAD committee member.

Committee Volunteer Form 


Membership Committee

Education Committee

Hose Safety Institute Committee

Industry Insights Committee

Technology Committee


Board of Directors

Give back to the industry by volunteering to serve on NAHAD’s Board of Directors. Each year, three candidates (two distributors and one manufacturer) are selected based on the following criteria:

  • 1) hose and connectors is a core product line for the company
  • 2) proven dedication to NAHAD through service on committees, number of conventions attended, etc.;
  • 3) holding a senior management position at the NAHAD member company in good standing.

Want to nominate yourself or a colleague? Complete NAHAD’s Nomination form and provide the information necessary to highlight why this individual is right for the NAHAD Board of Directors. Board members are traditionally selected by November of each calendar year and begin their three year term during NAHAD’s Annual Convention, traditionally held in April or May of each year.

With questions of board terms or service, please contact NAHAD Executive Vice President Molly Alton Mullins at

Explore opportunities to build these connections

Get Involved In The NAHAD Community

Discover exclusive groups, programs, and awards available to
NAHAD members that want to get more involved.

NAHAD Emerging Leaders

NAHAD Emerging Leaders

NAHAD is committed to supporting and nurturing our industry's emerging leaders, like you! If you are a NAHAD member, age 40 or under, this is the place for you!

You don't need to be an executive with your company. ­Any up­and­comer, future leader, young professional, etc. interested in connecting with like­minded professionals will benefit by participation in the events and activities offered each year.

Join The NAHAD Emerging Leaders


NAHAD Social Cause

NAHAD Social Cause

Let's bring an end to the water crisis!

Why charity:water? It's a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. charity: water funds sustainable water projects in areas of greatest need and works with local partners to implement them.

The members of NAHAD banded together in the fight to provide clean, safe drinking water to people in need all around the world. Together we've raised over $33,000 but we can still do more. For those who have yet to contribute, it's not too late. ­ Please consider making a tax-deductible donation and help bring an end to the water crisis. NAHAD members are encouraged to donate because 100 percent of public donations are sent straight to the field.

Help NAHAD Make A Difference

George Carver Awards

George Carver Awards

George Wilson Carver, a founding father and third president of NAHAD, served the association, and the industry, with dedication, grace and distinction.

NAHAD is proud to honor George’s memory, his spirit and his quiet, firm commitment to team work and excellence through the George W. Carver Outstanding Commitment to Industry Excellence Award, presented annually to a deserving current or former NAHAD member.

Meet The George Carver Awards Honorees

Become a NAHAD Community Leader

NAHAD depends on its volunteer members and elected leaders to ensure the association's success, and the success of our members. To apply to serve as a committee volunteer or as a member of the Board of Directors, please submit a completed Nomination Form or contact Molly Mullins, NAHAD Executive Vice President.