Employed Physicians
Trending Issues
7 Trends in Hospital-Employed Physician Compensation
beckershospitalreview.com January 25, 2013
By: Bob Herman
"Salaries and compensation packages of hospital-employed physicians have become a burning topic in recent years, mostly due to the upsurge in hospitals acquiring physician practices and subsequent employment of physicians. Today, roughly 25 percent of all specialty physicians who see patients at hospitals are employed — a sizable increase from the 5 percent of specialists who were hospital-employed in 2000. The number of employed primary care physicians has doubled to roughly 40 percent during the same time span..."
Incentive packages to lure docs changing
By: Andis Robeznieks
"Demand for primary-care doctors remains strong, while the incentive packages they are being offered are changing, according to a survey by Merritt Hawkins, an Irving, Texas-based physician search firm..."
The Affordable Care Act:  A Quick Guide for Physicians
"As doctors, we experience firsthand the challenges of caring for our patients in an environment that has been controlled for too long by the insurance companies. For the first time in many years, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) curtails insurance companies’ power and gives greater control back to doctors. Below are some of the Affordable Care Act’s key provisions that impact physicians..."
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