Independent Physicians
Trending Issues
1 in 2 Physicians Still Self-Employed as Hospitals Beckon Sep 18, 2013
By: Robert Lowes
"Hospital hiring may be hot and heavy, but 53.2% of physicians beyond residency training were still full or part owners of their practices in 2012, according to a new study released yesterday by the American Medical Association (AMA). "To paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports of the death of private practice medicine have been greatly exaggerated," said AMA President Ardis Dee Hoven, MD, in a news release..."
3 Tips for Handling the ACA Patient Influx
By Salvador Lopez
"The incoming 32 million patients entering the healthcare system in 2014 due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) should be a reason for physicians to rejoice. After all, more patients should mean more money for practices, right? Unfortunately, many physicians aren’t ready to reap the rewards of a patient increase..."
Obamacare Expected to Increase Loss of Doctor-Owned Practices
"More American doctors are leaving individual practice and instead accepting salaried positions at hospitals and large health care systems across the nation, a trend which researchers predict could be accelerated by President Obama’s recent health care reforms..."
Physicians Need Business Training to Run their Practices Well October 13, 2013
By Rebecca Fox, MD
"Once physicians graduate medical school and complete the internship year, they can get unrestricted licensure in most states to practice medicine and surgery. However, I doubt that very few people would choose a doctor that had only these credentials and did not have extensive residency training and board certification in their specialty. As physicians, we spend an incredible amount of time and mental energy mastering the extensive body of knowledge that we need to practice medicine competently..."
Recruiting and paying new docs: Know where your practice stands in the marketplace
By Matthew Vuletich
"Last summer, 53.4 percent of you told us that recruiting physicians was one of your top challenges, according to MGMA 2010 Medical Practice Today: What Members Have to Say research. Perhaps those of you in primary care practices dread the recruitment process more than your peers in specialty practices because of the shortage of physicians. And it might seem like those of you in single-specialty practices are at a disadvantage when competing with multispecialty practices but take heart: MGMA data show that reality might not match perception in several areas..."
The Affordable Care Act: A Quick Guide for Physicians
"As doctors, we experience firsthand the challenges of caring for our patients in an environment that has been controlled for too long by the insurance companies. For the first time in many years,the Affordable Care Act(ACA) curtails insurance companies’ power and gives greater control back to doctors. Below are some of the Affordable Care Act’s key provisions that impact physicians. On page 3 you’ll find a timeline of when these provisions take effect."
The Vanishing Private Practice November 26, 2012
By Emily Micucci
"John Kelly, co-owner and physician at Grove Medical Associates in Auburn, is the kind of doctor who knows patients by name, treating families through the generations at his four-physician practice. But soon, he may be a relic..."
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