Privacy and Security
Privacy Overview
14 Best Practices to Keep Your Staff HIPAA Compliant
"HIPAA compliance can be a frightening concept, especially because non-compliance penalties can incur fines of up to $250,000 depending on the seriousness of the infraction. In most cases, it’s smart for providers to hire or train a HIPAA champion who focuses on security standards and oversees staff handling of patient protected health information (PHI)..."
5 Steps for Staying HIPAA Compliant September 23, 2013
By: Mike Semel
"So, September 23, 2013, the HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule Enforcement Deadline, has come and gone, and you – the HIPAA Security Officer— are sitting back feeling confident that the HIPAA compliant policies, procedures, training,risk analysis, and all the other tasks you scrambled to finish are done. It’s time to sit back and relax. HIPAA is done, right? Wrong, it’s just beginning..."
Guidance on Significant Aspects of the Privacy Rule
Guidance on Significant Aspects of the Privacy Rule
Guide to Privacy and Security of Health Information
"In your medical practice, patients are unlikely to share sensitive information unless they trust that you will honor their confidentiality. As you know, patients who trust their health information will be kept private and secure will be more willing to discuss their symptoms, conditions, and past and present risk
HIPAA Compliant Emails: Myths and Facts May 23, 2013
By Mike Semel
"Every day I get questions about HIPAA compliant e-mail, and many days I see or hear something that leads healthcare organizations and their business associates in the wrong direction..."
Improving Healthcare Risk Assessments to Maximize Security Budgets
"Healthcare is undergoing major changes that are being driven by medical, consumer, IT, and security trends. While these trends deliver compelling benefits to healthcare organizations, workers, and patients, they also carry significant privacy and security risks. Healthcare organizations are seeing an escalation in the frequency and impact of security compromises, driving a corresponding increase in healthcare privacy and security regulation at the national and local levels..."
Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule
Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule
Helpful Tools (Privacy)
None at this time.
Data Security
10 Best Practices For The Small Healthcare Environment
"Cybersecurity: The protection of data and systems in networks that connect to the Internet - 10 Best Practices for the Small Healthcare Environment..."
10 Myths About HIPAA Required Security Risk Analysis October 21, 2013
"With revamped HIPAA privacy and security rules now in effect that include higher emphasis on conducting a security risk analysis, the federal Web site dispels 10 pieces of misinformation about what the rules really require..."
HIPAA Security Rule - Addressable, Not Optional October 28, 2013
By Mike Semel
"Everyone complains that the HIPAA Security Rule is inconvenient— which it is— but it doesn’t mean you can break the security rules in your medical office any more than you can break security rules at airports, government buildings, and sporting events. Here are a few examples of the HIPAA Security Rule Required and Addressable controls that we see medical practices ignoring on a regular basis..."
Security Rule Guidance Material
"In this section, you will find educational materials to help you learn more about the HIPAA Security Rule and other sources of standards for safeguarding electronic protected health information (e-PHI)..."
Summary of the HIPAA Security Rule
"This is a summary of key elements of the Security Rule including who is covered, what information is protected, and what safeguards must be in place to ensure appropriate protection of electronic protected health information. Because it is an overview of the Security Rule, it does not address every detail of each provision..."
Helpful Tools (Data Security)
None at this time.
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