Healthcare Information Technology
Is health IT reaching a plateau? July 22, 2013
"EHR adoption is rising among doctors and hospitals, but waning interest in meaningful use incentives indicates that some practices may not fully implement the technology..."
Proper EHR installation key, KLAS report says
By: Joseph Conn
"The key to effective health information technology in a small, office-based medical practice is to properly install the newly purchased electronic health-record system, according to a new report from KLAS Enterprises..."
Select Health Information Technology (Health IT) Publications
October 2013
This document provides a compilation of select publications from various peer-reviewed journals and media outlets that discuss key aspects of health IT topics. Topics include electronic health record (EHR) adoption; cost savings after adoption; EHR networks, security systems, and scope; and health IT effects on clinical patient outcomes and provider performance. These information resources may be used by Regional Extension Centers (RECs), Health IT Fellows, MUVers and providers in their efforts to conduct outreach within their communities to advance the adoption and meaningful use of EHRs. Additional resources inserted at the end of the document provide detailed information on health IT and tools to initiate or improve its use.
Read More> Select Health Information Technology Health IT Publications
EHR Best Practices
Patient Flow, Stop the Bottleneck July 23, 2013
By: Judy Capko
"Most medical practices experience some type of patient bottleneck — whether it be inbound phone calls or cramped exam rooms. And most would welcome a way to conquer them, especially since they compromise workflow and time management. The good news is, no matter what the cause of a typical bottleneck, there is a solution lying somewhere in your midst..."
Why appropriate use outweighs meaningful use of EHR systems September 24, 2013
By: Kyle Murphy, PhD
"For primary care physicians trained and working with paper records for decades, the introduction of health information technology, specifically EHR systems, into the exam represented a departure from traditional practice as well as a potential disaster if not approached appropriately..."
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