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Introducing OSMA’s New President: A Q&A with Elizabeth Muennich, MD, FAAD


OSMA Leadership

At the 2024 OSMA Annual Meeting, Elizabeth Muennich, MD, FAAD was officially sworn-in as President of the Ohio State Medical Association. We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Muennich as our new President, and we thank Dr. Eric Drobny who successfully completed his term. 


Q: Tell us about your medical career. What is your role and where are you currently practicing?

A: I am a Dermatologist in private practice. I am the President and CEO of a small group practice, Dermatology and Skin Care Associates in West Chester, Ohio.

Q: How long have you been a member of OSMA? What are the different ways you have been involved in the organization over the years?

A: I have been a member of the OSMA since 1996. I was the head of the Medical Student Section (MSS) and then the Resident-Fellow Section (RFS). I did an MD and a PhD, and by the time I finished and was in private practice I had aged out of the Young Professionals Section. 

Q: What are some of the ways in which OSMA has supported your medical practice?

A: I was able to open my own practice because of everything I had learned at OSMA.  As the chair of the MSS and then the RFS I was able to sit on Council. I learned so much about being in practice. For example, Todd Park, then the founder of Athena, used Ohio as a beta testing site, and from that experience I knew that I would use them for my practice management software. 

Q: What are you most excited about in leading OSMA as President?

A: I am excited to continue the grassroots effort to speak to our Ohio medical students and residents who are the future of our organization.

Q: What do you see as the biggest priorities in healthcare? And how can OSMA work to help move healthcare forward?

A: We have many issues to stay ahead of. Issues like continuing to fight the creep of Scope of Practice problems to the hassle of Prior Authorizations are only the beginning.  

I believe we have to keep a close watch on private equity, which I feel like are wrecking our ranks in medicine.  Many new trainees feel that if they work with extenders that they are training their replacements.  Unfortunately, in some cases, they are.  Corporate medicine and private equity see extenders as a cheaper alternative to physician care, and are willing to take the risk of a worse outcome.  Physicians need to continue to lead the healthcare team and are not replaceable. 

Q: How can Ohio physicians get involved in OSMA and get the most out of their membership? Do you have any messages for physicians who are not currently members?

A: Yes, I am a strong advocate for joining organized medicine to be aware of and stay in control of the myriad of problems that affect physicians as a profession. Having colleagues and friends across the state to be able to reach out to is an amazing way to stay connected and energized and to avoid burn out.

Q: Would you like to provide any thoughts and insight about any goals and initiatives you have for your presidency? Anything else you’d like to share with the membership of the OSMA at the start of your term as president?

A: I would like to re-connect with medical students in Ohio.  I think that this should be done every few years to make sure that OSMA has a strong presence with the education of Ohio medical students. OSMA has always been a strong voice for independent physicians and as employment models change, students and residents need to know that if they stay in Ohio, the OSMA is a home for them and has colleagues and staff that they can reach out to for support. 

Q: Please provide 4-5 “fun facts” about yourself as a person so that a reader might better get to know you! 

A: I used to be into martial arts and through residency I skated as Bad Attitude Barbie for a local roller derby team. I am an avid gardener, and I have just started learning hydroponics. 


The OSMA President and leadership Council participate in determining policy, responding to developing situations, and receiving and acting upon reports from committees and task forces. If you’d like to get in touch with OSMA leadership or learn more about Council, please email


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