Join/Renew Membership

Ready to join OSMA or renew your existing membership? The process is easy and only takes a few minutes. We are proud to work with and for physicians throughout the state to improve medicine for providers and patients through advocacy, business solutions, education and resources.


Renew Your Existing Membership:

Renew Here >

JOIN as a NEW Member:

Membership starts upon dues payment, and expires 12/31/2025.

Become a Member > 

Resident/Fellow Membership

The OSMA Resident Fellow Section (RFS) provides valuable networking events and education—helping you to be politically aware, educated about business practices, and active and informed as your career progresses.

  • Resident/Fellowship membership is just $30/year.
    Resident/Fellow membership runs July 1-June 30.
  • OSU residents and fellows are already members through their program.
    Please contact the OSMA office for further details.

Join as a Resident/Fellow >

Student Membership

The OSMA Medical Student Section (MSS) helps students in medical school get involved and learn about the value of organized medicine. MSS members receive many of the same benefits as physician members – including advocacy, news and information, and networking, helping you all the way through medical school, training and entering the medical practice.

  • Student membership is complimentary for medical students at any of Ohio's 7 medical schools.

Get Free Student Membership >

Join for 2024

Support OSMA as
a Corporate Sponsor

OSMA can help businesses and organizations serving the healthcare industry connect with Ohio physicians, specialty service areas and healthcare practice managers.

Learn More >

Need Support?

Email us 
Or call (800) 766-6762.


The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 provides that the portion of association dues attributable to lobbying and political activities conducted by associations cannot be deducted as a business expense for 2023. It has been determined that 14 percent of your OSMA dues are dedicated to legislative activities, therefore allowing you to deduct 86 percent of your OSMA dues as a business expense for federal tax purposes. 

Payments, contributions or gifts to Ohio State Medical Association are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.