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News from the State Fire Marshal...

This time of the year tends to be hectic with the holidays just around the corner. While it is easy to get swept up in the festivities, it’s also important to keep our momentum going with fire safety and prevention. Use parades and holiday festivals/gatherings as a spring board to spread these messages and tips to the communities you serve. 

Please also continue to let residents know about the Ohio Development Services Agency’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Winter Crisis Program. This program can help people avoid disconnection, pay for re-connection and also assist with monthly bills. We do not want anyone to have to rely solely on alternative heat sources during the coldest months of the year, and this is a great way to help those in need. I am again attaching the FAQ sheet about the program on this email to allow you to share this with anyone interested in the program. In addition, the HEAP website can be found here. Interested parties can find out more information, including how to apply for assistance, online.


  • The number of Ohioans killed in fires so far this year is at 115. This was the total for all of 2014. We have to work harder to reverse this trend.
  • We have had great success in the past few weeks with media coverage. I strongly suggest calling your local newspapers, radio stations and TV stations and asking them to publish a story on fire safety. This is the time of the year that they are looking for content, so let’s give them a good message to spread!
  • I would like to thank both the Colerain Township Fire & EMS Department and Bath Township Fire Department for hosting meetings about this initiative. I would also like to thank those in attendance for their commitment to this campaign. It is so important to get everyone on board, and your willingness to come together is very much appreciated!
  • To that end, if you were unable to make either of those meetings or you live in a different region of the state and haven’t met about this initiative, not to worry – we want to meet with you! Our team has been meeting with departments about this campaign to help you kick off a local campaign! Please contact Bill Krugh at or (614) 752-7179 to schedule a meeting. We are open to scheduling meetings at times that work for you!

Please continue to reach out and team up with area departments and spread these fire safety messages! Talk with your neighbors, media and groups/clubs/organizations about ways to stay safe this winter.

Also, please contact us and let us know how we can assist you and what has been working for you. We are here to help!


Larry L. Flowers
State Fire Marshal

Safe & Sound Campaign Guide

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