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Ohio Fire Executive (OFE) Program

The application period for the Ohio Fire Executive Program is NOW OPEN.

We will be accepting applications for OFE Class 25 beginning September 1, 2024 through November 1, 2024.
Application materials:

OFE Class 25 Application

The Ohio Fire Executive (OFE) program, created and administered by the Ohio Fire & Emergency Services Foundation, is an executive development program. The OFE assesses, enhances and refines the leadership qualities of Chiefs who are currently leading their organizations and develops 'bench strength' in high potential senior officers who can move into positions of greater responsibility.

The content and processes of the program were chosen to support the acquisition of improved leadership capabilities. It is envisioned that the program will have an impact on participants in five domains:

  • Knowledge acquisition
  • Self-awareness building
  • Perspective change
  • Skill development
  • Behavior change

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Program Format

The OFE program is an in-residence program.  It is delivered through FIVE sessions running 4 days in length in weeks 1 through 4 and 4 and one half days in week 5 with six month intervals between sessions.  The intervals provide time for reading assignments, completing assigned projects and immediately applying leadership concepts covered in class.

Year 1: Session 1 - Spring Session 2 - Fall
Year 2: Session 3 - Spring Session 4 - Fall
Year 3: Session 5 and Graduation - Spring

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The OFE curriculum includes 22 learning modules.  The central themes of Executive Leadership, Self Analysis and Leading Change are emphasized across the curriculum.

  • Academic Writing
  • Budgeting and Finance
  • Community Leadership II
  • Conflict Management
  • Customer Service
  • Executive Leadership
  • HR Practices
  • IT Applications
  • Leadership Communication - Writing
  • Leadership Communications – Speaking
  • Leadership Skills Assessment
  • Leadership Skills Re-Assessment
  • Leading and Managing Change
  • Organizational Evaluation
  • Policy Development
  • Research Orientation
  • Research Utilization I
  • Research Utilization II
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Building
  • Vision, Mission & Organizational Values

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The Value of OFE

Completion of this program by the participant can benefit the community, organization and the individual. At the completion of the OFE program, participants will be able to:

  • Describe their personal strengths and weaknesses and areas where continued improvement is needed.
  • Define executive leadership as a set of behaviors and characteristics not the position or the person.
  • Develop and implement an organizational vision that is ethically and morally responsible.
  • Act more knowledgeable in the role of change agent and manage the problems associated with change in an effective manner.
  • Develop stronger communications skills to motivate and inspire individuals and groups to work toward a common goal.
  • Conduct and utilize research as an important decision-making tool.
  • Develop an organizational strategic plan that focuses on customer service and how to achieve results.
  • Conduct an evaluation of the organization using both internal and external criteria.
  • Identify potential sources of conflict early and manage conflict constructively.
  • Recognize how to represent the organization effectively, both internally and externally.

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Instructors are nationally recognized experts from academia, the corporate sector, private consulting organizations and fire service leaders.  Some faculty have taught in the national Executive Fire Officers program. For a current list of faculty,  click here.

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Who Should Attend?

The OFE program is designed for Chiefs who are newly appointed, or Chiefs with experience but who strive for personal and professional development and officers with high potential for greater responsibility as described by management.

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Tuition and Location

Tuition is $10,500 and includes all program instruction and materials, single occupancy overnight accommodations for the five week long sessions and all meals. The tuition will be billed four months prior to each session ($2,100) and must be received two months prior to the beginning of the session. If the tuition has not been paid one month prior to the beginning of the session, the student will be dropped from the class.

OUT-OF-STATE APPLICANTS:  The tuition is $11,500; $2,300 per session and includes a three-year optional membership. The tuition will be billed in the same manner as in-state applicants.

OHIO EMS GRANT PROGRAM: Do you want to send a member of your fire department to the Ohio Fire Executive program but need help to pay for it?  The Ohio EMS grant program has funds that may be used for OFE tuition.  To apply, click on this link:   http://www.ems.ohio.gov/ems_grants.stm

LOCATION: Class sessions are held at the Ohio Fire Chiefs' Association Training Facility located at the OFCA office in Worthington with participants staying at the Holiday Inn located down the street from the facility.  

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