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Bereavement Uniform Program

Four years ago, the Lighthouse Uniform Company introduced the Bereavement Uniform Program (BUP) to America’s Fire Service to make available a dress uniform for burial purposes to any family wanting one, at no cost to the family. The goal of the program is to change the collective consciousness of the fire service community about who is entitled to a dress uniformed funeral from some to all and provide a way to make that happen. Ultimately, the hope is to strengthen the connection between generations and raise the level and manner in which America’s Fire Service takes care of those who took care of us’.

Please take a moment to read The Bereavement Uniform Program Letter and watch this short video here.

For your convenience, you can download the program manual here...BUP Manual.

You are encouraged to contact Steve Cohen, President, Lighthouse Uniform Company, Home of the Bereavement Uniform Program, at for additional information regarding the program or visit their website at You might also consider including this link on your department website.

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