ACHNE's Novel Conversations
Book Club Discussions
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2025: Black Angels: The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis
Join us for the 2025 ACHNE Novel Conversations Book Club meeting at the Annual Institute in Columbia, SC, where we will discuss Black Angels: The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis by Maria Smilios.
This captivating historical nonfiction book sheds light on the extraordinary contributions of African American nurses who played a pivotal role in the fight against tuberculosis in the early 20th century. Smilios’s work highlights the courage, resilience, and dedication of these unsung heroes, who often faced discrimination and adversity.
2024: Stories From the Shadows: Reflections of a Street Doctor
Join us for a poignant discussion of Stories From the Shadows by Dr. James J. O'Connell at the 2025 ACHNE Novel Conversations Book Club meeting during the Annual Institute in Columbia, SC.
This deeply moving memoir offers a firsthand account of Dr. O'Connell's experiences as a physician serving marginalized populations in Boston. Through his compassionate storytelling, he sheds light on the challenges faced by those living on the streets and the power of human connection.
2023: How the Other Half Eats - The Untold Story of Food and Inequality in America
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion of How the Other Half Eats by Priya Fielding-Singh at the 2023 ACHNE Novel Conversations Book Club meeting during the Annual Institute in Columbia, SC.
This insightful book explores the complex relationship between food, race, and class in America. Fielding-Singh delves into the systemic inequalities that shape our food system, highlighting the disparities in access to healthy, affordable food.
2022: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Join Novel Conversations at the 2022 Annual Institute as we discuss The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down explores the clash between a small county hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos over the care of Lia Lee, a Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy.
Lia's parents and her doctors both wanted what was best for Lia, but the lack of understanding between them led to tragedy. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Current Interest, and the Salon Book Award, Anne Fadiman's compassionate account of this cultural impasse is literary journalism at its finest.
Join us on Friday, June 10, during the "Meet, Greet, and Eat" social event at the 2022 Annual Insitute in Old Town Alexandria, VA.
2020: How to Be an Antiracist
Ibram X. Kendi's concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America--but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. Instead of working with the policies and system we have in place, Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it.
In his memoir, Kendi weaves together an electrifying combination of ethics, history, law, and science--including the story of his own awakening to antiracism--bringing it all together in a cogent, accessible form. He begins by helping us rethink our most deeply held, if implicit, beliefs and our most intimate personal relationships (including beliefs about race and IQ and interracial social relations) and reexamines the policies and larger social arrangements we support. How to Be an Antiracist promises to become an essential book for anyone who wants to go beyond an awareness of racism to the next step of contributing to the formation of a truly just and equitable society.
Book Club Contacts
Independent Book Retailers
How independent bookstores are weathering tough economic times
"More than one independent bookstore has closed each week since the pandemic began, and 20% across the country are in danger of closing. (From PBS NewsHour)"
ACHNE does not endorse a particular retailer or bookstore. However, we do encourage you to support your local independent booksellers. We have compiled a list of member's favorite bookstores that is in no way comprehensive. Please feel free to send your recommendations to!
Oprah’s List of 125 Black-Owned Bookstores:’s List of Latinx-Owned Bookstores:
Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores:
* = BIPOC owned businesses
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