Radiation Oncology


2025 ASTRO Annual Refresher Course

April 9-11, 2025 - Virtual

American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)

Astro LogoASTRO is the premier radiation oncology society in the world, with more than 10,000 members who are physicians, nurses, biologist, physicists, radiation therapists, dosimetrists and other health care professionals who specialize in treating patients with radiation therapies. These medical professionals, found at hospitals, cancer treatment centers and academic research facilities around the globe, make up the radiation therapy treatment teams that are critical in the fight against cancer. Together, these teams treat more than 1 million cancer patients each year. As the leading organization in radiation oncology, the society is dedicated to improving patient care through professional education and training, support for clinical practice and health policy standards, advancement of science and research and advocacy.

ASTRO Coding Resources
The radiation oncology coding section provides information on a number of activities ASTRO engages in to ensure proper coding of radiation oncology services.

Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium

Mroqc LogoThe Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium (MROQC) was established in 2011. In this first-of-its-kind collaborative quality initiative (CQI), MROQC has created a comprehensive clinical data registry of patients receiving radiation treatment for breast, lung, and prostate cancers and bone metastases.  Their registry is maintained by the MROQC Coordinating Center and includes both patient-reported outcomes and physician assessments of toxicity as well as data on radiation treatment delivery and dose.

Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies ®

Revenue Cycle Coding StrategiesRevenue Cycle Coding Strategies ® is a trusted partner of private practices, healthcare systems, hospitals, and other industry stakeholders, providing solutions for challenges in all aspects of the charge capture process. With decades of experience in both clinical and non-clinical arenas, their nationally-recognized consulting team offers expertise in specialty coding/documentation; education and training resources; revenue cycle workflow optimization; and regulatory compliance.

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