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MSPCA Board & Annual Meeting

The MSPCA Board and Annual Meeting was held on December 12th in Edgewater, MD. The Board hosted this meeting to give members the opportunity to come together to participate in some year-end business of the organization, but also to enjoy the company and friendship of those in attendance who share a common passion to build a strong state association in Maryland.  

While the business meeting was kept short to allow for more time to socialize, a good amount of information was shared, and the membership voted on some significant changes to the documents that govern the organization.

Andrea Brubaker, who is currently serving as interim Treasurer, conducted the meeting in MSPCA President, Samantha Forrest’s absence. The meeting began with the approval of the previous meeting’s minutes and a financial update which showed the financial health of the organization. The Balance Sheet showed MSPCA assets of $238,564.21, are up 13.2% over 2022 and the Profit & Loss showed MSPCA was on track to finish the year close to the anticipated net income of $7,837. Additional performance numbers were shared that showed a 22% increase in membership, attendance at the Interstate Pest Management Conference increase of 2%, and a decline in WDI-O (64%) and Western MD Recertification Webinar (31%) attendance over the previous year. The Board has some ideas for boosting the WDI-O engagement, including further promoting new WDI-O Credentialed Inspectors and creating an in-person, hands-on extension of the WDI-O program.

The heavy lift for the evening was the approval of the newly formed Bylaws and the Articles of Amendment and Restatement. In November, an official notification was sent to members of the MSPCA to ensure that there was clear communication about the changes to the governance documents. This was done to provide plenty of opportunity for members to ask questions and gain clarity on the documents prior to moving to the vote.

Kevin Poland, Chair of the Ad-hoc Bylaws Committee provided background information on the decision to recommend these new documents that bring MSCPA into state compliance. These changes further align with modern practices commonly utilized by non-profit organizations. After discussing the substantive changes and advantages of the new governing documents, a motion to approve the new Bylaws as recommended was made, a vote by the members present was called and the motion carried. The Board members present then similarly made a motion to approve the Articles of Amendment and Restatement, and this new governance document was approved. Kevin thanked those in attendance for participating in the vote and indicated that the Board would meet early in 2024 to create policy documents that will further define committee and Board expectations, and to vote on the incoming Board for 2024.

The business meeting wrapped up with a notice about the NPMA Legislative Day on March 10-12, 2024. Several MSPCA Board members are planning to attend this important event that provides PMPs with the opportunity to educate and influence legislators about our industry. MSPCA would like to encourage each company to send a representative to this meeting. A large Maryland contingent will give us a stronger voice as we carry our message to Capitol Hill.

At the conclusion of of the business meeting those in attendance turned their attention to a delicious meal and great discussions about business, family, and goals for the upcoming new year. If you missed this event, please consider attending in 2024. It is a great opportunity to become better connected to your Association and other members.

December Board & Annual Meeting


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