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PA WEEK 2024: Get to Know a PA - Maria Zappa, PA-C


PA Week 2024 graphicHappy PA Week!

OAPA is proud to join the PA and PA student community in Ohio and across the country in celebrating PA Week 2024.

This week, OAPA will post daily on our website and social media with PA news and opportunities, plus profiles of Ohio PAs. We will also be conducting an outreach to nonmember PAs in Ohio encouraging them to join OAPA. The stronger the Ohio PA community, the better chance we have at achieving our vision of Ohio as the premier state for PAs.


 Maria Zappa

Get to Know a PA:
Maria Zappa, PA-C

How long have you been a PA and what is your current role?

I have been a Physician Assistant for 11 years, currently practicing in Family Medicine while also working in higher education.

What is the most rewarding aspect of being a PA?

The most rewarding aspect of being a PA is the ability to truly listen to patients, understand their experiences, and collaboratively develop a care plan that they can realistically follow. Watching patients improve their quality of life as a result of this partnership is immensely fulfilling.

How are you celebrating PA Week?

During PA Week, I am celebrating with my colleagues and aspiring PA students, reflecting on the growth of our profession and appreciating how far we’ve come both collectively and individually.


Join us in celebrating PA Week 2024 by following us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook and sharing our posts with your network!

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