Ga Page Banner Feb 2025


2025 Legislative Preview

The 136th Ohio General Assembly officially began on January 6, 2025, with newly elected legislators taking their oaths of office and chamber activities getting underway. In the first half of 2025, the Ohio House and Senate will primarily focus on developing, refining, and passing the state’s biennial budget.

OAPA is off to a strong start with our new lobbying firm, Hicks Partners, helping us to shape our legislative agenda and strategy for the year. Additionally, OAPA has undergone an internal leadership transition, aligning with this new lobbying partnership.

We are committed to advancing the legislative priorities that will enable PAs in Ohio to practice at the full extent of their licenses. As key priorities emerge and evolve into legislative action throughout the year, we will keep this page updated with the latest developments.

In the meantime, we encourage you to consider how you can support our efforts. Thank you, and we look forward to the exciting opportunities this new legislative session brings!

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Current Legislation

The 136th Ohio General Assembly commenced in January 2025. Several health related bills have been introduced into the House and Senate in late January and early February. We will update this page with more information, OAPA testimony when presented, and new legislation that OAPA is advancing:

SB 25 - Prohibit sun lamp tanning services to individuals under age 16
To amend sections 4713.50, 4713.51, and 4713.64 of the Revised Code to prohibit the provision of sun lamp tanning services to individuals under age 16.
Status - Monitoring

HB 12 - Enact the Jeff, Dave, and Angie Patient Right to Try Act
To enact section 3792.08 of the Revised Code regarding prescribing, dispensing, and administering drugs and to name this act the Jeff, Dave, and Angie Patient Right to Try Act.
Status - Monitoring

HB 96 - State Operating Budget
To make operating appropriations for the biennium beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2027, to levy taxes, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of state programs.
Status - Reviewing and considering opportunities for PA profession support


Just a friendly reminder that you're always welcome to reach out to your legislators to share your views as a PA and a citizen on topics that matter to you. However, please refrain from stating that you are contacting them 'on behalf of OAPA.' Before reaching out to legislators about health or healthcare-related legislation, we recommend contacting us first to check if we're already working on the issue and if we have any talking points available to support your outreach. Thank you!

2024 Legislative Victories

PAs Granted Access as Authorized Signers in SB 81

2024 Legislative Activity

2024 News

Major Legislative Accomplishments

Signed into law in July 2024, this bill made Ohio the 13th state to join the PA Licensure Compact. The compact will:
  • Assist with telehealth to expand medical care to more patients
  • Allow for consistent follow up with patients who may be out of state
  • Expand access to more quality providers and quicker appointments

SB81: Authorized PAs to Sign Hospital Patient Documents

Signed into law in June 2024 and taking effect in September 2024 (in ORC Section 4730.204), this bill:

  • Included PAs among other advanced practice providers to permit their signature on documents related to the following (though stopping short of permitting a PA to "pink slip" a patient):
    (1) The admission of a patient to a health care facility for the purpose of receiving psychiatric or other behavioral health care services on an inpatient basis;
    (2) The discharge of a patient from a health care facility after receiving inpatient psychiatric or other behavioral health care services;
    (3) The treatment of a patient while at a health care facility on an inpatient basis for psychiatric or other behavioral health care services.
  • Confirmed that a supervising physician who authorizes a physician assistant to sign one or more documents as described in this section is not liable for damages, administrative action, or criminal prosecution for an act or omission that arises from the physician assistant signing the document. Note, however, that this relates only to the documentation in question, not the supervision agreement and its related physician responsibilities and liabilities.
Signed into law in December 2018 and taking effect in March 2019, this bill:
  • Removed the PA formulary
  • Increased the ratio of PAs to supervising physicians to 5-1
  • Allowed for out-of-state and military PAs without a Masters Degree to obtain Ohio PA licensure with two years of practice immediately preceding application
  • Allowed for PAs with a Masters Degree but who did not apply for prescriptive authority when the law previously changed to now obtain prescriptive authority
  • Made changes to the PAPC, including allowing meetings to be conducted by teleconference or videoconference and reducing the number of pharmacists to one
Signed into law in September 2018 and taking effect throughout 2018 and 2019, this bill:
  • Eliminated the requirement that each physician assistant supervision agreement be submitted to, and reviewed by, the State Medical Board of Ohio.


Find more legislative achievements over the years in this brief history of OAPA and the PA profession in Ohio.

None at this time.