Board and Delegate Elections
OAPA relies on the dedication and energy of its members to lead the organization through service on the Board of Directors and as AAPA Delegates. Specific responsibilities and criteria for board leadership are outlined in OAPA governing documents and should be reviewed thoroughly by potential candidates.
2025 Timeline
February 14 | Candidate Application Period Opens |
April 3 | Candidate Application Period Closes |
Early April | Official Slate Announced, Candidate Information Published |
April 17 | Election Period Opens (ballots emailed to voting members) |
May 1 | Election Period Closes |
Mid-May | Election Results Announced |
Positions to be Elected in 2025
Elected for a 3-year term (President-Elect, then President, then Immediate Past President), July 1, 2025-June 30, 2028
Vice President
Elected for a 2-year term, July 1, 2025-June 30, 2027
Regional Directors for Regions 1, 2, 6, and 7
Elected for a 2-year term, July 1, 2025-June 30, 2027
Five (5) Delegates to the AAPA House of Delegates
Elected for a 3-year term, July 1, 2025-June 30, 2028. The candidates must be willing to attend the AAPA House of Delegate sessions at AAPA conferences in 2026, 2027, and 2028.
Candidate Eligibility
According to the OAPA Elections Manual, the following are the eligibility criteria for candidates (for all roles except the student representative):
a) A candidate must be a fellow member of OAPA and AAPA and membership is verified by the Executive Director. This membership must be maintained throughout their term, if elected.
b) New graduate members shall be considered eligible Board candidates provided they are an AAPA fellow member when declaring candidacy and maintain OAPA fellow membership status when their new graduate membership expires as outlined in OAPA Bylaws (Article III, Section 10).
c) A candidate must have an initial membership join date of August 1 of the prior year, or earlier.
d) The ideal candidate will have current or prior leadership experience within their workplace, during their PA studies, or in organizations such as OAPA, AAPA, or related PA organizations.
Additionally, for the AAPA Delegate position, candidates must be willing to attend all House of Delegate sessions at the AAPA Annual Conference during their term.
Candidate Interest & Eligibility Form
Individuals who would like to be considered for President-Elect, Vice President, Region 1, 2, 6, or 7 Director, and/or AAPA Delegate will need to complete a Candidate Interest & Eligibility Form.
The following information will be requested:
- Name
- AAPA Member #
- Up to 3 personal social media links (optional)
- Position(s) sought (Per policy, "a candidate may declare for only one Board office, but shall be permitted to declare for an AAPA Delegate position concurrently.")
- Professional biography (200 words or less)
- Questions (each 200 words or less)
- What aspect of OAPA's mission most resonates with you?
- Why are you interested in serving in this specific leadership position?
- What work or volunteer experience(s) do you have that will be helpful to OAPA service?
- Attest to having read the OAPA Bylaws, Policy Manual, Job Descriptions, Elections Manual, and Conflict of Interest Policy
- CV/resume
- Headshot photo (optional)
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Thank you for your interest in the OAPA elections process. Please contact with any questions.