2025 SHDA Advertising

Reach the leaders in the security hardware industry through effective low-cost advertising in the 2025 SHDA Membership Directory, the quarterly SHDA E-Newsletter Unlocked, on the SHDA website and social media channels.
Contact Information
Company Name:
Individual Contact:

Print Advertising

SHDA Membership Directory:
Advertising in this outstanding publication provides an excellent opportunity to reach a pre-qualified, target audience. It is distributed to all SHDA contacts, over 600 in number. Ad copy due March 6, 2025.
Standard Full-Color Ad:
Special Placement Pricing:
Special Placement Instructions:

Web and Digital Advertising

SHDA Website Scrolling Logo & Company Link:
Visible on every page of the website, your logo is linked directly to your company website. Preferred to be submitted as 500 x 500 pixels in high res .jpeg or .png format.
Scrolling Logo:
Provide the URL to link your logo: 
SHDA Unlocked (Quarterly E-Newsletter):Monthly e-newsletter informing members on industry topics, member news, and members-only benefits. Limited one ad per placement position per issue. Ad copy deadline is the first Thursday of the month and should be 600 x 200 pixels in .jpeg or .png format.
Premium Placement - Your ad linked to your website is placed at the top of the newsletter:
High Placement - Your ad linked to your website is placed in the middle of the newsletter
Footer Placement - Your ad linked to your website is placed at the bottom of the newsletter:
Specify which issue you would like your ad to run:
SHDA Social Media Advertising:
Your 30-second commercial or advertisement will be posted on SHDA’s social media channels during the month of your choosing. Limit two posts per month available. Ad copy deadline - Last Monday of the previous month in MP4 video format no more than 30 seconds in length. Text is limited to 200 characters.
Social Media Ad:
Specify the month(s) you want your ad to run:
How would you like your social media ad tagged?
Optional Text to accompany social media post:

Questions? Contact Emily Hornung at ehornung@shda.org.
Please mail checks to OUR NEW ADDRESS: SHDA, National Press Building, 529 14th St NW, Suite 1280, Washington, DC 20045.
   - denotes required fields