Task Forces

From the ELCA website:

As members of the ELCA, we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. God uses our hands, through our direct service work and our voices, through our advocacy efforts, to restore and reconcile our world. Through faithful advocacy, the ELCA lives out our Lutheran belief that governments can help advance the common good. 

ELCA advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs and projects around the world and in communities across the United States. We work through political channels on behalf of the following biblical values: peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. 

See more at: http://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Publicly-Engaged-Church/Advocacy#sthash.QqojDsFc.dpuf

In the Southern Ohio Synod we engage in advocacy through our task forces. These task forces have been formed as a result of the interest of members of our congregations in these areas.