Complete Story
HR 8371 PASSED the House TODAY
Time to contact your Senator!
Advocacy Alert!
Attention: ALL Doctors of Optometry (not just VA ODs!)
We NEED you to tell your U.S. SENATORS to Pass HR 8371 - VA OD Physician Recognition Legislation
It will be moved to the Senate tomorrow!!
- We NEED them to hear from ODs, Veterans, and constituents about the importance of immediately passing this key legislation that would elevate VA doctors of optometry to the physician pay scale.
We've heard you!! AOA and AFOS worked tirelessly for many years to get to this point! Now we need your help to get it across the finish line!
Here are steps to take action to tell your U.S. SENATORS to support key optometry provisions in the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act (H.R. 8371):
1) Call Your U.S. Senator – we need them to hear from you immediately about how urgent it is to vote YES on the impending Bill H.R. 8371.
Here are four steps to making your call:
a) Click here to Find your Senator then click on your state of residence
b) Call the number listed for your Senators.
c) Most likely you will be leaving a voice message. Please prepare by using the talking points or read the script from the email below:
d) If you have a conversation (rather than simply leaving a message), please contact Dr. Wright so we can track the feedback.
2. Send an email to just your Senators using the AOA’s Online Action Center to urge them to VOTE YES on HR 8371.
a) Only send to your Senators (so you will need to delete off your Reps)
b) Feel free to shorten it to say:
Dear Senator [Last Name],
My name is [Dr. Your Name], and I am a constituent and doctor of optometry from [Your City/State]. I’m writing to urge you to support HR 8371, which recently passed the House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support.
This comprehensive bill improves healthcare delivery for veterans, their families, and caregivers. It also ensures that U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities can better address veterans’ eye care needs and enhance the recruitment and retention of frontline doctors of optometry.
Backed by veterans' advocacy groups, this legislation is critical to providing veterans with the benefits they have earned. As it is scheduled for a vote this week under unanimous consent, I urge you to support H.R. 8371 and demonstrate your commitment to improving the lives of our veterans.
I appreciate your service to our state and country. I hope I can count on your support for this important legislation.
Thank you for your consideration,
Talking Points:
- Hello, I'm a Doctor of Optometry and a constituent. I’m committed to providing quality eye health and vision care that our Veterans need and deserve.
-I’m calling today to urge Senator ___________ to urge their support on the vital eye care staffing provisions in the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act (H.R. 8371) that will be introduced next week.
-I’m calling today as a (future) Veteran urging Senator ___________ to support important eye care staffing provisions in the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act (H.R. 8371). I want to be ensured of timely access to the best eye health care by the best providers.
-Eye and Vision care is the third-most requested service by veterans nationwide and VA optometrists provide more than three-quarters of all eye and vision care delivered at VA.
-H.R. 8371 would help solve this recruitment and retention crisis by moving VA Doctors of Optometry to the physician/dentist/podiatrist pay scale, allowing for market-based pay analysis in determining salaries that are more competitive and flexible in both rural and urban settings.
-Always end with a "Thank you"
* If you are not a VA Optometrist, you can always speak to the importance of improving patient access and the public good. We still need you to email and call your Senators as constituents!
Click on the link above to go to the AOA "Advocacy" page. Then click on "Federal". 
From there you will select "AOA Action Center".
From here you will "Click to take Action" and select the "Help VA" option.
You will need to provide your contact info so it can geo-locate your legislators. Next it should open a page with your legislators selected. Please don't remove your Senators because we hope it moves through the House fast and onto the Senate. There is a great template for you to start with.
Feel free to add any additional information such as a personal story or note to the email. Tell your legislator about vacancies at your facility that are impacting Veterans access to care. Or how your facility isn't able to be the strong teaching hospital it once was because residency slots are going unmatched. Or that your excellent colleagues are leaving for jobs in the private sector because pay is so low. Thus, it leaves the facility challenged to find quality candidates.
Do you have concerns on why it's important for VA Optometry to move to the Physician's Pay Scale? Please click below for more information on the protections in place to ensure you won't get a pay decrease.