Icai Consortium Logos Latin America


The Latin American Network for Academic Integrity is a collaborative endeavor of professionals from  Universidad Panamericana, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Universidad Tecmilenio and Universidad de Monterrey to support Latin American universities that work to build a culture of academic integrity. The universities that integrate it belong to the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) from whom they have received constant and valuable inspiration.


  • Share resources and disseminate best practices from the international and national to the region.
  • Develop and offer education and professional development opportunities to local students, faculty, and practitioners.
  • Support the efforts of professionals responsible for building a culture of academic integrity in their own institutions.
  • Strengthen Latin American academic integrity research networks.

Follow us on Facebook: @integridadacademica



Resources. Information Repositories

To Strengthen Academic Integrity in Online Education:


7° Congreso de Integridad Académica 2019: Yo decido con integridad


Social media:

Facebook: @integridadacademica


Gonzalo Pizarro Puccio
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Vicerrectoría Académica 
Dirección Académica de Docencia
Av. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins 340, piso 4, Santiago, Chile
Teléfono: +56 (2) 23549174
gpizarro@academicintegrity.org ICAI

Daniela Gallego Salazar
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
Dirección de Gestión Ética
Vicepresidencia de Integridad y Cumplimiento
dgallego@academicintegrity.org ICAI