I&T Logo


The OHLA Innovation & Technology Initiative seeks to find solutions for the lodging industry that support five key areas. Sustainability, health & wellness and automation/robotics are part of the committee's core values.

  1. Labor 
  2. Supply Chain/Inventory Management
  3. Communication
  4. Property Management
  5. Guest Experience/Delivery

IT Icons

To learn more about the OHLA Innovation & Technology Initiative. Check out our Innovation & Technology White Paper


Projects & Pitch Programs

Reverse Pitch Competition

The www.callforsolutions.org is a landing page created to source novel tecnology solutions for hardware and software to help solve some of the most pressing operational challenges in our industry.

​The first pitch competition was completed in October 2021.  We are seeking submissions from research institutions, nascent tech companies, and leading commercial providers to submit their new and existing offerings for consideration in this year's competition by October 1, 2022

​The top finalists will be selected to present in the awards ceremony at OHLA's Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio in November.

For more information, check out the Reverse Pitch Competition Call for Solutions Platform

Sue Graves Calendar Link is: https://calendly.com/suegraves/30m for best mutually beneficial time to meet and discuss solutions for the industry.

Reverse Pitch Round 1, powered by FlexCart 


1st Place

Richie the Robot, RichTech Robotics
2nd Place

Conservation Labs

3rd Place

The Tug, ST Engineering Aethon


Ideation Workshop, powered by  SpaceIntel SpaceIntel

SpaceIntelThe purpose of the Ideation Workshop is to reinvent what a lodging experience looks like with sustainability, health & wellness, and automation/robotics in mind, creating immediate, short term, and long term solutions that operationalize workflow, grow revenue and improve the guest and employee experience.

The Ideation workshop was held at none other than the Idea Foundry in Columbus, OH where creators live and work and create.  Home | Idea Foundry

To learn more about the Ideation Workshop and Ideation process, you can review the Awaken Koala Proposal. The OHLA Innovation & Technology Committee is excited to present its findings later in 2022. 


Knightscope Roadshow

The Innovation & Technology Committee hosted the Knightscope Roadshow on May 4, 2022 at the Marriott Columbus OSU. Knightscope produces Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs) which is the future (now) for safety and security. Why ASRs?

  • Crime and public safety have a direct impact on economic recovery, especially in downtown/urban areas
  • Safety concerns impact workforce
  • Business must drive safety & security advancements
  • New technology can be part of how we tackle this challenge


To learn more about how an ASR could provide a safety & security solution for your property or facility, contact Sue Graves, Experience Alive. To find an upcoming Roadshow near you, check out the Knightscope Roadshow Pod Visits!


The Ohio State University Makeathon

MakeOHI/O logo

OHLA Sponsored the 2022 OSU OHI/O Makeathon seeking creative solutions for some of the lodging industry's greatest challenges. The Association gave two challenges and the students had one weekend to produce a hardware solution for cleaning a shower or automation in laundry.

Three teams chose to tackle our challenges. You can review their solutions below:

  1. Shower Scrubbing Robot - Click Here to Watch  
  2. A device that folds laundry, towels and rags - Click Here to Watch
  3. Automatic Laundry Reactor - Click Here to Watch 

Thank you to our Innovation & Technology Sponsors






OHLA Innovation & Technology Committee


Sue Graves, Experience Alive, LLC


Committee Members

Working Group Members

Michael Evans, AP Consulting, Columbus

Ken Haynie, Red Roof, Columbus

Ankit Mehta, Comfort Inn Piqua

Bhavin Patel, EVOLV Hotels, Dayton

Rosalyn Ransaw, Red Roof, Columbus

Steve Williams, Spectrum, Columbus

Arnold Becker, Advanced Floor Care

Ketan Pema, Armoureye

Jake Agregado, Concord Hospitality

Kim Kelly-Bartley, Retired, White Castle, Columbus

Jake Huckaby, READY Robotics, Columbus

Hetal Patel, Cloud Solution Architect, Columbus

Amy Wald, Green Luxe, Columbus

Barry McGraw, Ohio Soybean Council