
February 11, 2021

Resolutions Deadline

OPA Office- 2674 Federated Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235

Resolutions are the method by which OPA members can formally set the direction of the Association and profession. They are a formal expression of opinion or intention by the Association, and become policy which gives direction to the Board of Trustees and Association staff. The writing of a resolution is a fundamental way in which members of OPA express their ownership of the Association.

Members are welcome to compose and submit proposed resolutions to the Resolutions and Bylaws Committee for review and referral to the House of Delegates. The OPA Resolutions and Bylaws Committee can help draft resolution ideas into the proper format.

Resolution submission is open until February 11, 2021, with the House of Delegates convening on Saturday, April 4, during OPA’s Annual Conference in Columbus.

Proposed resolutions may be submitted to All are welcome to attend the House of Delegates during the Annual Conference and participate in developing OPA’s course for the next year.

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