OPA Student Pharmacist Legislative Day

Please join us for Student Pharmacist Legislative Day on Wednesday, February 19, 2025Registration is now OPEN!

Ohio Rep Scott Lipps and student pharmacsts at the OPA 2020 Student Pharmacist Legislative DayOhio Pharmacists Association (OPA) Student Pharmacist Legislative Day is an advocacy event that affords student pharmacists the opportunity to meet with legislators to educate them about pharmacy-related issues and the value of the pharmacist. You will learn about the latest legislative issues at the Ohio Statehouse, learn how to effectively communicate those issues, hear from the legislators themselves, and have a chance to individually visit their offices. This program will allow you to become involved in the issues impacting your future pharmacy practice in Ohio.

There are big pharmacy issues coming up, and we need your help to stand up for pharmacists!

Unless the program reaches capacity prior to the following date, online registration for this program will close on February 3, 2025.

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Renaissance Downtown Columbus Hotel, 50 N 3rd St, Columbus, 43215.

The schedule will be as follows:

8:30 am  Registration and Continental Breakfast: 50 N 3rd St, Columbus, 43215
9:00 am  Legislative Briefing on Pharmacy Issues
10:00 am  Healthcare Caucus Panel
11:00am  Breakout Session
11:30 am  Lunch on your own
1:30-3:30 pm Meet with your Legislators


Registration Rate: $35

We encourage students to register for the event using the Ohio address for which they are registered to vote in order to ensure attendees are properly matched with their legislators. If you are not registered to vote in Ohio, you are free to use your college address.

Click HERE to Register

If you are a student who does not attend one of the seven Ohio colleges of pharmacy, please use the Student Pharmacist Legislative Day Brochure for your registration.

Note: Please remember to wear your lab coats! They make a big impact and help solidify the perception of pharmacists as part of the health care team. Plus they make for great pictures! The photos from 2024 were fantastic, and we’d like to get even better ones this year.

If you have any questions, please email opa@ohiopharmacists.org. We look forward to seeing you in Columbus on February 19!

Studen Pharmacists at the Statehouse 2020