
July 19, 2017

Live Webinar: Required OSHA Training for Immunizing Pharmacists

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens stan­dard was revised by the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000 to include safer medical devices and an exposure control plan. Pharmacists and others providing immunizations and/or point-of-care test involving blood have the potential to be exposed to a bloodborne pathogen and must meet the requirements of this standard, including annual live training, or risk facing fines. OPA is offering a webinar format for pharmacists and other employees to comply with this OSHA standard. The speaker will discuss potential bloodborne hazards, safer practices designed to reduce/avoid needlestick and other sharps injuries, and effective post-exposure procedures. This program will provide the opportunity for interactive questions.

 If you administer immunizations and have not completed such a training within the last 12 months, now is your opportunity. The program fee is $45 and includes one hour (0.1 CEU) of CPE credit for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Complete details and registration are available at: 

This program is also being offered on August 16, September 13, October 12, and November 17.

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