2024 Speaker & Program Details

Embrace It: Generative AI and Your Future

Transform Your Business, Your Communications, Your Job, and Your Life

Session Sponsored By Continental Flowers

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are nothing new. However, with the introduction of Generative AI programs like ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, and other large language models, for the first time in history, everyone has equal access to the knowledge and advanced technology that will transform business, communications, jobs, and everyday lives. In this dynamic presentation, you will discover…

  • In an easy-to-understand way, what are AI, Generative AI, ChatGPT, and other language model technologies, how they work, and how embracing them can give you a competitive edge.
  • What are the tactical applications to improve communications, sales, customer support, research, and operations allowing you to spend more time executing strategy and providing customer value.
  • A demonstration of AI-powered tools and the current best resources that you can immediately implement to broaden your knowledge and improve your daily work and life. 
  • The real-time ethical considerations, personal moral challenges, and decisions business leaders will face in this "making it up as we go along" rapidly changing world. 

Attendees receive access to Sam's custom AI and Generative AI/ChatGPT resources (he has spent years creating cutting-edge AI tools). Featuring examples customized to the audience - whether you're an expert or someone who lacks confidence regarding new technologies - this motivating, humorous, high-content, and high-learning program will leave you excited about your new AI-powered future.


Get the Meeting No One Else Can

Intel Secrets to Find the Right Person, at the Right Time, with the Right Message

In today's world, it's no longer enough to be interesting. To succeed in sales, you must be interested. What's important to the other person? How can you hyper-personalize your message so it gets noticed? When you know more, you'll find the right opportunities, at the right time, with the right message to get meetings with decision-makers that others only dream about. In this dynamic program, you will discover...

  • A mathematically proven formula for revenue growth that reveals your best prospect companies, decision-makers, contact information, and ways to connect that generate positive responses. 
  • Jaw-dropping tactics for finding online information in ways that 99% never thought possible, using the tools you use every day, plus custom Sam Richter-built AI and ChatGPT intel resources.
  • Techniques to identify opportunities using sales trigger events and powerful introductions, so you're calling on prospects who most likely need your product or solution right now. 
  • How to transform the "R" in CRM into Relevance, to get past gatekeepers, make a great impression, gain permission to ask challenging questions, and provide long-term value.

Each program is customized using your real-world prospects as examples. This high-energy, motivating, incredibly high-content program has a huge "WOW" factor – you will be shocked at what you don't know (but soon will) that you will immediately use to dramatically improve sales performance. 


Presented by: Sam Richter


Meet Sam Richter, a distinguished Hall of Fame speaker renowned for his expertise in digital information. Sam is the only professional speaker who not only helps you discover the power of online intelligence, he also builds the AI and ChatGPT intel resources to ensure you experience immediate success. Throughout his career, he has crafted innovative programs and technology for both start-up companies and some of the world's most recognized brands.

Considered one of the world's foremost experts on AI-powered digital information, award-winning Hall of Fame speaker and bestselling author, Sam Richter, takes something you already know, that Knowledge Is Power, and turns it into reality.

It's the "HOW you do it" - using the Web resources you use every day in ways you never thought possible combined with AI-powered tools you never knew existed - that will truly amaze you (and probably scare you).