County Activity on Policy Issues

Legislative Branch

Testifying in front of the General Assembly, whether in written or oral form, is one of the best ways for counties to advocate for their communities. While the CCAO staff is in constant contact with legislative and executive offices and staff, the voice of county commissioners, executives, and councilmembers resonates on a deeper level.

The boxes below contain links to testimony to the state legislature from CCAO staff and from member counties during the 136th General Assembly (2025-2026). While the positions of individual counties may not always be the same as the Association as a whole, we encourage members to advocate on their own behalf. Bills are grouped by general subject matter.

Testimonies from CCAO staff and from member counties from the 134th and 135th General Assemblies can be found at the County Data Exchange.

If you would like a copy of testimony relating to a bill from a prior General Assembly, please contact Research Analyst Nick Ciolli and provide, to the best of your ability, the bill number (or the bill subject matter) and the individual testifying.

(The lists below may not be exhaustive)

Budget Bills

General Government

Human Services

Jobs, Economic Development, and Infrastructure

Justice and Public Safety

Taxation and Finance

Executive Branch

Another important method of advocating for policies that counties can utilize is lobbying the executive branch. Building relationships with Ohio’s statewide executive officials (Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer) and their offices is also critical. These offices have considerable authority to make decisions that impact county government. Investing time and effort into these relationships is a sound investment for your county. 

While some of these officials may not be as accessible as your local state lawmakers, all of them have a team of regional liaisons whose job is to connect with local officials in their geographic area. CCAO encourages members to stay engaged with these liaisons so that county requests are heard. A listing of regional liaisons for each statewide official can be accessed below (click the map to access a PDF copy).

Statewide Elected Official Regional Liaison Maps
Governor Lt. Governor
Governor Regional Liaisons Office Temporarily Vacant
Attorney General Secretary of State
Attorney General Regional Liaisons Secretary Of State Regional Liaisons
Auditor of State State Treasurer
Auditor Of State Regional Liaisons Tos Regional Map

None at this time.