County Data Exchange
Taxation and Finance
Sales Tax
County Permissive Sales Tax Rates Map (August 2022)
Permissive Sales & Use Tax Revenue And Rates, 2011-2021 - PDF | Excel
Transportation-related Taxes & Fees
Motor Vehicle Fuel State License and Permissive License Tax Revenue Distributions - PDF | Excel
Permissive License Tax Revenue - PDF | Excel
State License Tax Distributions - PDF | Excel
Property Tax
County Outside Millage - PDF | Excel
Casino Revenue
Gross Casino Revenue Distributions to Counties - PDF | Excel
Local Government Fund
Local Government Fund, Undivided And County Share - PDF | Excel
County Election Results
November 2024 General Election Unofficial Results - CCAO Member Races
November 2024 General Election Unofficial Results - County Ballot Issues
March 19 Primary Election: CCAO Member Races
March 19 Primary Election: Ballot Issues
November 7, 2023, County Issue Unofficial Election Results
November 8th General Election: CCAO Member Races (Unofficial Results)
November 8th General Election: County, CCAOSC Ballot Issues (Unofficial Results)
May 3rd Primary Election Unofficial Results (Elected Positions & County Issues)
November 3rd General Election: Commissioner, County Executive, and County Council Results
November 3rd General Election: County-wide Issues Results
March 17th Primary Election Results (Commissioner, County Executive, and County Council)
County Testimony
Testimony submitted to the General Assembly by CCAO, on behalf of CCAO, or by member counties on their own behalf are listed below. The testimony below were submitted during the 134th General Assembly (2021-2022). To view testimony submitted during the current General Assembly, please visit County Activity on Policy Issues.
The list below may not include all county-related testimony. Bills are presented in numerical order.
135th General Assembly
House Bills
HB 1 - Henry County Commissioner and CCAO President Glenn Miller gave opponent testimony on House Bill 1, a bill to make a number of changes to Ohio's income and property tax systems. President Miller noted the significant impact that certain changes in the bill, such as eliminating the 10% residential property tax rollback, would have on the ability for counties to pass needed property tax levies.
HB 1 - Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne gave opponent testimony on House Bill 1, sharing with the House committee that its passage would likely cost Cuyahoga County $33 million in lost revenue annually, with more than half of that loss borne by the county's developmental disability board and its health and human services levy.
HB 64 - Delaware County Deputy Administrator and General Counsel Aric Hochstettler offered opponent testimony to House Bill 64, which would modify Ohio's eminent domain law. Hochstettler argues that the bill will result in increased litigation and costs for all parties of a land acquisition, and it would block responsible development and transportation infrastructure development.
HB 64 - Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck submitted opponent testimony to House Bill 64, noting that, while counties may use eminent domain for a number of purposes, they have a statutory duty to avoid the use of eminent domain whenever possible. The changes in the bill would make eminent domain almost impossible to utilize.
HB 101 - Clermont County Commissioner Bonnie Batchler gave proponent testimony on House Bil 101, which modifies the village dissolution process. Commissioner Batchler highlighted her experience as a township trustee when the village of Amelia dissolved to advocate for the changes proposed by the bill.
HB 101 - Research Analyst Nick Ciolli gave proponent testimony on House Bill 101, explaining that county-wide elected officials (the county auditor, recorder, and a commissioner) are well positioned to manage the administrative aspects of a village dissolution.
HB 145 - Greene County Commissioner Rick Perales offered proponent testimony to House Bill 145, which would expressly allow local governments to use joint purchasing authority for construction services. Commissioner Perales discussed how the bill, by clarifying procurement procedures, will help local governments make needed infrastructure investments.
HB 145 - Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck submitted proponent testimony for House Bill 145, noting that the ability to joint purchase for construction contracts will help local governments leverage lower costs and a greater number of bids.
HCR 5 - Henry County Commissioner and CCAO President Glenn Miller gave proponent testimony on House Concurrent Resolution 5, which supports the work of the America 250-Ohio Commission.
HCR 6 - Tuscarawas County Commissioner and CCAO 1st Vice President Chris Abbuhl gave proponent testimony on House Concurrent Resolution 6, which urges Congress to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset.
Senate Bills
SB 23 - Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck submitted proponent testimony for Senate Bill 23, noting that the ability to joint purchase for construction contracts will help local governments leverage lower costs and a greater number of bids.
SB 91 - Managing Director of Policy Kyle Petty gave proponent testimony on Senate Bill 91, which modifies the law regarding waste, fraud, and abuse of public funds. Petty requested that a dereliction of duty provision be removed but otherwise noted the Association's support for the bill.
SB 105 - Scioto County Commissioner Bryan Davis gave proponent testimony on SB 105, which modifies the law governing ADAMH boards and recovery housing. During his testimony, Commissioner Davis stressed the importance of local control and oversight of treatment providers and notes that SB 105 is a step in the right direction.
SB 105 - Ashtabula County Commissioner Kathryn Whittington gave proponent testimony on SB 105, highlighting important reforms the bill makes to ADAHM board contracting authority and information sharing between the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and local ADAMH boards, among other provisions in the bill.
SB 105 - Outreach and Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy submitted proponent testimony on SB 105, with a focus on the flexibility that the bill would afford counties to meet the needs of their communities.
SB 119 - Seneca County Commissioner Anthony Paradiso, on behalf of the full board of commissioners, provided proponent testimony for Senate Bill 119, which modifies the law regarding solid waste. Commissioner Paradiso highlighted three key changes the bill would make that the county supports; namely, an improved process for local input on landfill decisions, an increase and equalization of solid waste fees, and strengthening the oversight abilities of local health districts.
SB 119 - Seneca County Commissioner Bill Frankart, on behalf of the full board of commissioners, provided proponent testimony on Senate Bill 119, with a focus on increasing oversight of landfill sites and in favor a provision to allow the county to leave the Ottawa-Sandusky-Seneca Joint Solid Waste Management District.
SB 119 - Crawford County Commissioner Doug Weisenauer provided opponent testimony for Senate Bill 119, opposing the mandatory fee increases that the bill would impose on solid waste management districts across the state.
SB 119 - Outreach and Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy provided opponent testimony for Senate Bill 119, noting the dangerous precedent the unilateral withdrawal provision would set and echoing Commissioner Weisenauer's concerns about mandatory fee increases.
134th General Assembly
House Bills
HB 2 – External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in support of the creation of a residential broadband expansion program.
HB 20 – The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners testifies in support of an extension to a statewide moratorium on eviction and foreclosure actions.
HB 66 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies in support of requiring additional reporting and review of property tax exemptions and reductions.
HB 74 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies in support of providing revenue from Ohio’s motor fuel tax to Ohio’s 88 counties to be used for road and bridge design, repair, and construction.
HB 87– External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in support of allowing counties to enter into utility supply contracts under a joint purchasing program for a period longer than 10 years.
HB 90 – The Franklin County Board of County Commissioners testifies in opposition to limiting the state Department of Health's powers during a declared emergency.
HB 101 – Wayne County Commissioner Ron Amstutz testifies in support of a proposed funding formula for county jail funding allocation.
HB 105 – Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies in support of Minority Business Enterprise reciprocity.
HB 110 – Then-CCAO President and Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb testifies in conjunction with other associations and agencies in favor of increased children services funding in the Main Operating Budget.
HB 123 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies regarding the Association's position on changes to the Community Reinvestment Area tax abatement program.
HB 126 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies regarding a requirement that local governments that adopt an authorizing resolution each time they contest a property tax valuation complaint and to notify property owners in advance of a hearing in which they intend to adopt the resolution.
HB 145– Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies in support of expanding eligibility for publicly-funded child care.
HB 146 – Delaware County Commission Jeff Benton testifies in support of making prevailing wage laws permissive rather than mandatory.
HB 150 – External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in support of creation of the Ohio Public Defender State Loan Repayment Program.
HB 177 – The CCAO, in conjunction with the Ohio Municipal League and the Ohio Township Association, testifies in support of permissive authority to utilize distributed ledger technology, such as the blockchain, for government purposes.
HB 201– External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in opposition to a state preemption of local government decisions regarding energy sources as it relates to Ohio's two charter counties, Cuyahoga County and Summit County.
HB 206 – External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in support of allowing police officers with townships between 5,000 and 50,000 residents to enforce certain traffic offenses on interstate highways within the township's boundaries.
HB 212 – Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies regarding the expansion of the Children with Medical Handicaps program.
HB 218 – The boards of county commissioners of Franklin County, Lucas County, and Montgomery County, as well as Armond Budish, Cuyahoga County Executive, and Ilene Shapiro, Summit County Executive, testify against a prohibition on vaccination mandates.
HB 223 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies against a sales tax refund provision to certain credit card vendors that would cost counties $3.7 million each year.
HB 237– External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies regarding requirements to provide an electronic means of recording and accessing documents and makes adjustments to certain charges and fees levied by county recorders.
HB 294 – The Medina County Board of County Commissioners testifies in support of a wide-sweeping election modernization bill.
HB 405 – Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies in support of a clarification regarding the appointing authority of county hospital boards of trustees.
HB 445 – Legislative Counsel Kyle Petty testifies in support of establishing a Universal Service Fee to help fund the Next Generation 9-1-1 system.
HB 458 – Allen County Commissioner Cory Noonan testifies in support of the elimination of August special elections, with a few limited exceptions.
HB 471 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies against sales tax exemptions that would cost counties between $7.2 million to $9.8 million each year.
HB 472– External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in opposition to amending parts of the Ohio Revised Code to remove immunity for fire and EMS personnel in certain circumstances.
HB 487 – External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in support of an election modernization package that allows for out-of-state ballot printing and lowers ballot printing contractor bond requirements.
HB 488 – Assistant Director John Leutz testifies in opposition to a provision allowing judges to acquire outside legal counsel without consultation of the board of county commissioners and the county prosecutor.
HB 523 – Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies in support of providing counties with more flexibility regarding the size of their mental health, addiction, and recovery boards.
HB 531 – Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies regarding a proposal to allow multi-governmental organizations, such as a council of government or a regional transportation planning organization, to contract with the county prosecutor for legal services.
Senate Bills
SB 8 – External Affairs Manager Adam Schwiebert testifies in support of the creation of a residential broadband expansion program.
SB 12 – The Delaware County Board of County Commissioners testifies in support of the creation of a Little Brown Jug specialty license plate.
SB 15 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies in support of personal liability for fiscal officers when a loss of public funds occurs due to a negligent or wrongful act.
SB 17 – Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy testifies regarding the impact that changes to certain state-supervised but locally-administered human service programs would have on county budgets.
SB 20 – Assistant Director John Leutz testifies in support of allowing counties to enter into utility supply contracts under a joint purchasing program for a period longer than 10 years.
SB 63 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies in support of allowing county probation departments to accept the payment of fees or fines by credit card.
SB 83 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies in support of requiring the Ohio EPA to conduct assessments at brownfield sites in the state.
SB 112 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies in support of a package to streamline certain Ohio Revised Code sections regarding county land banks.
SB 117 – The Gallia County Board of County Commissioners testifies in opposition to a bill that would harm a power plant located within the county.
SB 193 – Fayette County Commissioner Tony Anderson testifies in opposition to a revocation of counties' ability to collect unpaid water service charges by prohibiting the certification of unpaid charges to the county auditor as a lien against the property.
SB 235 – Senior Policy Analyst Jon Honeck testifies against sales tax exemptions that would cost counties $10 million each year.
SB 287 – Lorain County Commissioner David J. Moore testifies in support of allowing county veteran service commissions to make certain emergency-related charges on a county credit card.

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