Federal Advocacy
Ohio Congressional Delegation
Executive Branch Intergovernmental Affairs Liasions
The Intergovernmental Affairs contacts for key federal agencies under the Trump Administration have been named. These are the initial point of contact if you need to get in touch with a federal agency or department.
- Department of Transportation: Hannah Matesic (hannah.matesic@dot.gov)
- Housing and Urban Development: Colleen O'Kane (Colleen.M.OKane@hud.gov)
- Department of the Interior: Daniel Gustafson (daniel_gustafson@ios.doi.gov)
- Department of Labor: Wayne Palmer (palmer.wayne.d@dol.gov)
- General Services Administration: Frank Schuler (frank.schuler@gsa.gov)
- Office of Personnel Management: Christina Bonarrigo (Christina.Bonarrigo@opm.gov)
- Department of Defense: Isabella D'Antonio (Isabella.l.dantonio.civ@mail.mil)
- Environmental Protection Agency: Sarah Talmage (talmage.sarah@epa.gov)
- Department of Education: Steve Warzoha (Stephen.Warzoha@ed.gov)
- Department of Energy: Shawn Affolter (Shawn.affolter@hq.doe.gov)
- Department of Homeland Security: Sarah Perkins (sara.perkins@hq.dhs.gov)
- White House: Christine Serrano Glassner (Christine.Glassner@who.eop.gov)
National Association of Counties
Partnering to Build a Stronger Ohio
CCAO works with the National Association of Counties (NACo) to advocate before the President, Congress, and federal agencies.