Thank you for attending the 2023 Winter Conference!
Thank you to all of our members, speakers, and government officials who attended the 2023 CCAO / CEAO Winter Conference!
Summaries of each session are included in the table below, along with links to the presentations and materials shared during the sessions.
Thanks again for attending the event and making it a success!
Session Title & Summary | Speakers & Presentations |
Leadership Workshop with Rear Admiral Peter Cressy The CCAO and CEAO Boards of Directors and CCAO's new members from 2022 and 2023 attended a leadership workshop on the Continuing Relevance of George Washington: The Integration of Strategy, Leadership, and Management. |
Peter Cressy, Navy Rear Admiral and Trade Association CEO |
Innovative County Programs: Shaping the Future - Session A Highlighting Allen County's innovative approach in growing childcare providers in today's challenging market and Miami County's collaborative building department. |
Joe Patton, JFS Director, Allen County Jessie Doyle, Childcare Administrator, Allen County Wade Westfall, Commissioner, Miami County Richard Osgood, Department of Development Director, Miami County |
Innovative County Programs: Shaping the Future - Session B Highlighting Fairfield County's plan to integrate public transit with its Workforce Center and Hamilton County's 513 Relief Mobile Equity and Tech Bus. |
Steve Davis, Commissioner, Fairfield County Alicia Reece, Commissioner, Hamilton County |
Historical Development of Counties: Change and Progress Ohio county government predates statehood. Take a journey through time to see how county government has changed since those early days. From early micro-management by the General Assembly and laws dealing with individual counties to general grants of power to all counties, the General Assembly continues to play a central role in what counties can do, must do, and how. You may be surprised at some long forgotten old laws that challenged your predecessors. |
Larry Long, Former CCAO Executive Director |
Opening General Session with Rear Admiral Peter Cressy: A Strategic Approach to Leading in Times of Crisis and Change U.S. Navy Rear Admiral and Trade Association CEO Dr. Peter Cressy will discuss the importance of a strategic vision, communication, visibility and collaboration and various approaches taken by such former presidents as Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt, as well as the United Kingdom’s former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, at times when they themselves faced crisis and change. |
Peter Cressy, Navy Rear Admiral and Trade Association CEO |
How Counties Can Connect Ohio to the Future Through Broadband BroadbandOhio will provide an update on broadband programs in Ohio and various funding opportunities for broadband projects and how counties can impact project funding. Additionally, a county who has successfully completed a broadband project will share their insights and what commissioners need to know when undertaking a broadband project. |
David Kern, CCAO Board Member and Commissioner, Defiance County Peter Voderberg, Director, BroadbandOhio |
OneOhio Recovery Foundation's 2024 Road to Impact Join the OneOhio Recovery Foundation’s new executive director, Alisha Nelson, for an overview of the Foundation’s work to date and what lies ahead as the Foundation prepares to launch its first ever grant application process. OneOhio is a private, non-profit foundation created to distribute 55 percent of the funds our state will receive from the pharmaceutical industry as a consequence of its role in the national opioid epidemic. The session also will feature a presentation from OneOhio Region 2 on the work they’ve done to prepare for the grant application process. |
Alisha Nelson, Executive Director, OneOhio Recovery Foundation Denise Driehaus, CCAO Treasurer and Commissioner, Hamilton County Meagan Guthrie, Director, Hamilton County Office of Addiction Response |
Let's Talk Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is becoming an increasingly popular discussion topic, but what is it? This session will cover some of the basics of MFA, what may be driving the discussion in your county, and how Wood County implemented their MFA solution. |
Benjamin Hendricks, IT Director, Wood County |
Property Tax Valuations in a Supercharged Real Estate Market With 41 counties undergoing property valuation reappraisals or updates in 2023, the normally dull world of property tax administration has become a popular topic of discussion in the state legislature. This session will cover the valuation procedures used by county auditors, the proposed reforms in House Bill 187 / Senate Bill 253, and how taxpayers are affected by inside millage and school districts at the 20-mill floor. Speakers also will also explore potential topics that will receive attention from the legislative Joint Property Taxation Review and Reform Committee as it looks for ways to reform a complicated system and preserve a funding source for vital services. |
Michael Stinziano, Auditor, Franklin County Chris Kline, Chief Deputy Auditor, Lawrence County Bethany Sanders, Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives, Franklin County Auditor |
Local Economic Development Strategies in a Changing World The economic landscape is changing rapidly, creating opportunities for local economic development strategies that are flexible and focused on core strengths. Many companies are seeking to “onshore” their supply chains to deal with political risk and new federal incentives are reshaping the manufacturing industry. How can counties position themselves to take advantage of these new economic trends? How can they sustain positive economic momentum into the future? David Robinson of the Montrose Group will share lessons and insights from his 30 years of experience in economic development and will offer case studies of successful projects that launched communities toward a more prosperous future. |
David Robinson, Principal, Montrose Group |
Navigating the Implementation of Issue 2 Following the passage of Issue 2 in the November 7th General Election, cannabis will be legal for recreational adult use in Ohio starting December 7th. In this session, attorney David Riepenhoff will discuss the implementation of Issue 2 as an initiated statute, as well as the potential impact in the workplace for employers. |
David Riepenhoff, Esq., Partner, Fishel Downey Albrecht & Riepenhoff LLP |
None at this time.