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Ohio Creativity Trail Seeks Your Submission
Plus Register for the Q&A Session on June 27
Ohio Creativity Trail Seeks Your Submission
Ohioans leave their marks on the world. Those marks may be paint on a canvas or words on a page. They’re the songs we hear and the voices who sing them. Or perhaps, they’re the building silhouettes framed against the sky and the messaging behind the state’s amazing sculptures, murals and other public works of art.
The Ohio Creativity Trail ignites the spark of creativity by linking us to places of artistic impression and inspiration. It will include stories of contributions of Ohio to literature, music, visual arts, architecture, and more. The experience will also invite us to pause and explore our own imagination.
To shed light on the state's role in shaping the nation, America 250-Ohio has initiated a series of statewide driving trails. The objective is to encourage people to hit the road and explore the sites before the nation's 250th commemoration in 2026. America 250-Ohio has set a goal to create six trails through 2026. The first trail – Ohio Air & Space Trail – launched last month.
The Ohio Creativity Trail is anticipated to launch at the end of 2024. This is an excellent opportunity for your site(s) and stories to be considered as part of this exciting initiative. Please submit a site nomination by clicking on the link below. Deadline for submission is July 9, 2024.
We are searching for sites statewide that contribute to the story of Ohio’s role in artistic expression. Sites must interpret or showcase the story about an Ohio artist who has made a substantial contribution to the following:
- Literature, poetry, the written word
- Music, music-making, instrumentation
- Visual arts, public art, galleries, museums, photography
- Architecture, impactful Ohio architects, opera houses, public buildings created by significant architects that also include an exhibit or information about that person
- Performing arts, choreographers, performers
- Theatre and film
Submitted sites must be open and accessible regular hours to the public. Music or performance venues should not be included unless they are open for regular hours during the day, contributed to the national scene and interpret that story on-site.
Please note that we are not seeking sites that interpret inventions quite yet. A future trail focuses on inventions and innovators
Please contact Melinda Huntley (Ohio Travel Association) at or join us for a Q&A on June 27 at 2 p.m.