Program and Services Menu
Check Out the Benefits Available for Your Business
To print, share or email OTA's Program and Services Menu to a coworker or colleague, click here. If you wish to join, click here. The dollar icon on each image of the menu represents discounted programs and services, and the OTA logo on each image of the menu represents member exclusive programs.
As a member, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the following:
Weekly Newsletter (eClips)
Stay informed with Ohio and national travel-related news and trends, as well as an industry calendar and job postings through this digest of clips and information sent every Friday. Original articles written by OTA staff and industry leaders capture Ohio and national tourism trends, legislative opportunities, upcoming events and tactics tailored to your needs.

Ohio Conference on Travel
Attending the state travel conference is one of the best ways to grow your business. During this three-day event, meet with Ohio attendees representing attractions, hotels, transportation, museums, CVBs, ferries, wineries, breweries and more. The Ohio Travel Association brings you a diverse array of national speakers and industry experts from across the nation.

Focus on Tourism Education Workshops
Gain skills and knowledge to remain sharp on the job and to increase the bottom line of your organization through annual workshops designed with industry needs in mind. Topics are tailored toward industry sectors and specific marketing topics.

Travel Industry Research:
As a member of OTA, receive travel industry research encompassing everything from national trends to Ohio-based research influencing your business.

Ohio Tourism Leadership Academy
Strengthen your leadership skills and knowledge of Ohio's travel industry, or build the talents of your promising employees, through this six-month training program designed to develop strong leaders and advocates for Ohio's travel industry.

The Perfect Pitch
Learn how to increase your effectiveness at getting in front of potential customers through media relations training. Held odd years.

Tourism Legislative Day
Be a part of the cohesive industry voice by participating in the biennial Ohio Tourism Legislative Day (held in odd-years through a partnership with the Ohio Hotel & Lodging Association and the Ohio Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus).

ODNR Tourism Day
Get to know the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, as they offer important tools and resources that include grants, experiences, destinations and networking opportunities. Every other year, OTA members attend the Ohio State Fair for free.