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MCF Scholarships: Changing Chiropractic Students’ Lives

-Kristine Dowell | Treasurer, Michigan Chiropractic Foundation

Mcf LogoOne of the most rewarding functions of the Michigan Chiropractic Foundation (MCF) is the funding of scholarships at five chiropractic colleges – Life, Logan, National, Palmer, and Sherman. These important scholarship programs help to benefit the chiropractic profession in our state by rewarding chiropractic students who pledge to return to Michigan to practice after graduation. 

In June, we received a nice letter from Bonita Hazel, winner of the 2017 Michigan Chiropractic Foundation Fund Scholarship at Life, illustrating just how the MCF scholarship program can change the life of a chiropractic student. It reads: 

"Being a chiropractic student is the single most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. However, it can also be the most difficult. Some days, my energy is low, my motivation wanes, and the thought of my bank account is overwhelming. This scholarship greatly counteracts some of those feelings. I am speaking from a place of profound gratitude in my heart when I say thank you for providing me with not only a monetary gift, but a gift of motivation as well. I look forward to using the scholarship towards taking an extra class this semester to bring me closer to my goal of finishing my last two semesters of the program abroad. 

As a student of Life University and as a future chiropractor, I would like to thank you for your generosity and goodwill."

- Bonita Hazel | Life University Student from St. Clair

Donate to the MCF Today!

By helping to ease the financial burden on a student, our scholarships allow them to focus on the truly important thing – their chiropractic education. 

The Foundation also serves Michigan’s chiropractic community through quality educational programs, often sponsoring programs at MAC conventions. 

Please consider donating to the Michigan Chiropractic Foundation. As the MCF is a 501(C)3, your gift is tax deductible. Whether you provide ongoing support, a one-time contribution, or include the Foundation in your estate planning, you know you are making a difference. What better way to lower your taxes, while giving back to your profession? 

Your tax-deductible contribution begins working immediately, helping ensure a strong future for your profession. Contributors donating $500 and up will receive a special certificate.

Be a part of the Michigan Chiropractic Foundation. Support your profession today, and tomorrow. To donate, contact the MCF at (517) 367-2225. 

About the Michigan Chiropractic Foundation

A not-for-profit organization founded in 1994, the Michigan Chiropractic Foundation was formed for educational, scientific and charitable purposes with the goal of furthering the chiropractic profession in Michigan. The MCF provides factual information on the science of chiropractic to policy makers, the public, and the business community.

The Foundation’s ability to complete its goals is dependent on the generous support of those in the chiropractic community. Every gift goes directly toward advancing the chiropractic profession in our state. The MCF is a 501(c)(3) corporation, and all donations may be tax deductible. For more information, or to donate, contact the MAC at 517.367.2225.

The Michigan Chiropractic Foundation’s Mission

To provide factual information on the science of chiropractic to policy makers, the public, other health care professionals, and the business community; To promote scholarly research in the art and science of chiropractic; To develop and promote ongoing educational programs for patients and doctors; To increase interdisciplinary cooperation in the health care delivery system; To advocate for exemplary professional training and quality care; To develop scholarship programs for chiropractic students; and, To otherwise engage in charitable, scientific, and educational activities.

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