New Member Resources

The MAC has compiled numerous resources that can assist new doctors and members in the running of a chiropractic practice. From critical information on Medicare, Blue Cross, and more, to day-to-day management of your practice, the MAC has got you covered! 

Scroll down to see all the information and tools we've developed for you.

Scope of Practice

Scope Of Practice

Michigan’s Chiropractic Scope of Practice
In January 2010, after a 30-year fight, our new chiropractic scope of practice became law. The new law brought our scope – previously the most restrictive in the nation – into line with the rest of the United States and now appropriately reflects the education and training a chiropractor completes to become licensed. For more information on Michigan’s chiropractic scope of practice, plus additional information relevant to a practicing doctor of chiropractic, see below:

District Information

The division of MAC Districts is based on the population and number of DCs in each district with the geographic size of the districts given consideration. These districts allow for equal representation of the DCs of Michigan, with most DCs being within easy driving distance to district meetings.

Because of its large geographical size, District 8 DC members may elect to have sub-districts, to facilitate the accessibility of meetings.

It Pays to Attend District Meetings!

In addition to helpful camaraderie and practice information, you will receive a voucher for a reduction off MAC dues or MAC CE programs for each District meeting you attend. The vouchers can be combined or used individually. All you need to do is attend a meeting, sign in, and your voucher will be mailed to you. This is one way the MAC is giving back to our dedicated doctors!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

>>Find a district meeting in your area!<<

MAC Helpdesk

Have questions? Use our MAC Helpdesk to get your questions answered!  

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