About the MAC

The Michigan Association of Chiropractors is your source for family doctors in Michigan. Chiropractic health care is the drug free choice of millions for reaching and maintaining health and wellness.

MAC members enjoy many valuable benefits and our award winning publication, the Journal. They are also updated through our our weekly emails.

Whether you are a chiropractic professional, a patient or prospective patient, or a buyer of healthcare coverage for your company, look to the MAC and our highly respected member DCs.


The Mission of the Michigan Association of Chiropractors is to protect and enhance the chiropractic profession through organized leadership, education, and the promotion of the chiropractic discipline and practice.


"A healthy, knowledgeable citizenry with fair and open access to chiropractic."


For a current version of our by-laws,  CLICK HERE.


Eric Hartman, DC; Damian Palmer, DC; and Glenn Caudell, DC reach out to Michigan chiropractors about the importance of being involved in the Michigan Association of Chiropractors.

What can you do to help better the chiropractic profession? Contact the MAC at (517) 367-2225.


About MAC